
Python, Django, Cytoflow, Flowcytometry, Node, JS, Docker, PostgreSQL application for cell analysis

Primary LanguageCSS

PC3 Cell Analysis

This is a micro services based web application for analysing the prostrate cancer cells. This application gets data from FCS file uploaded by the user and then using Flow Cytometry Tools in Python the results are shown visually on a web application.

The following tools and technologies have been used in this project.

Python Docker
JS Node
python django
html5 react
hkr machine learning


Add SSH key to Github


  • ssh-keygen
  • cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • Copy and paste to github




Docker compose


Clone repo


  • Clone repo git clone git@github.com:iloveyii/cell-analysis.git
  • cd cell-analysis
  • Pull some images from hub.docker.com
    docker pull node:8
    docker pull alikth/basic_cell:latest
    docker pull alikth/ml_cell:latest
  • Run docker-compose sudo docker-compose up
  • After the containers are up browse to: http://localhost


  • Two docker images prepare for this project and hosted on https://hub.docker.gom
  • A Droplet purchased and deployed on Digital Ocean.
  • An open source project for Cancer cell analysis using Flow Cytometry on github.