
Using JavaFX and Maven

Primary LanguageJava

JavaFx Project using Maven

This is a demo app for hotel booking build in Java, JavaFx, Fxml, H2 Database, Tomcat. In this repo we will explain how to setup simple/fxml (without/with fxml) JavaFx application using IntelliJ. demo


  • You only need to follow this section if you are cloning from git repo
  • You need the rest of the sections only IF you want to create such project from scratch
  • Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/iloveyii/hotel_frontend_maven.git
  • Either use command line mvn clean javafx:run or follow the section "Run configuration" below if you want to run from IntelliJ
  • The default root credentials are email: root@localhost & password: root, once logged in you can create more users.
  • This JavaFx application works with hotel_backend that you can clone https://github.com/iloveyii/hotel_backend.git and follow instructions in the README.md
  • If your server/backend_hotel is running on a system other than localhost you need to change url in models/Api.java line 15.

Pre Requisite

  • You need to install Git, Maven, Docker, IntelliJ for your platform.


  • Open IntelliJ > New > Project
  • Select Maven in the left pane
  • Select (check) Create from archetype in the right pane and click Add archetype
  • In the pop dialog box add the following and click ok and then next.
    GroupId: org.openjfx
    ArtifactId: javafx-maven-archetypes
    Version: 0.0.5
  • Type a name for the directory of your project
  • Expand Artifacts Coordinates and enter the following and click Next
    GroupId: org.javafx # package name
    ArtifactId: javafx-maven   # Project Name
    Version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT # jar file name
  • In the properties we need to change one and add one more properties
    • Double Click archetypeArtifactId and change value to javafx-archetype-simpe OR javafx-archetype-fxml (for fxml support) and click OK.
    • Click + button and type name: javafx-version and value: 15.0.1(or latest version) and click OK.
  • Click Next and Finish.


  • Simple: You can expand the External Libraries in the left pane of IntelliJ and notice that it has javafx-base/controls/graphics jar files downloaded.
  • Fxml: You can expand the External Libraries in the left pane of IntelliJ and notice that it has javafx-base/controls/graphics/fxml jar files downloaded.

Run configuration

  • In the toolbar click Add configrations
  • Select + > Maven > and then type a name Run
  • Expand Before lanuch and click + , Add New Task, and select Run Maven Goal and type javafx:run in the Command line, and click Ok.
  • In the window also type javafx:run in the command line, click apply, ok.
  • Now you will see Run button along with play button in the toolbar.

Using Maven

  • mvn clean javafx:run

Distribution builds


  • DOCS, and in the left menu click JavaFX and IntelliJ > Non-modular with Maven
  • Latest Open JavaFX 17 link
  • Latest Open JavaFX Maven 0.0.6 Plugin link


  • Binding observable list to tableview does not show data but error becuase module does not open org.hotel.models to javafx.base
  • Solution: the module-info.java should look like:
module org.hotel {
    requires javafx.base;
    requires javafx.controls;
    requires javafx.fxml;
    requires org.json;
    opens org.hotel to javafx.fxml;
    opens org.hotel.models to javafx.base;
    exports org.hotel;
  • WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.google.inject.internal.cglib.core
  • Solution:
  # Download maven 3.6.3
  wget https://www-us.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.6.3/binaries/apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz -P /tmp
  # Untar downloaded file to /opt
  sudo tar xf /tmp/apache-maven-*.tar.gz -C /opt
  # Install the alternative version for the mvn in your system
  sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/mvn mvn /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/mvn 363
  # Check if your configuration is ok. You may use your current or the 3.6.3 whenever you wish, running the command below.
  sudo update-alternatives --config mvn