
Application in React / Node for star wars data

Primary LanguageCSS

Start Wars

A small react/node app to show movies of star wars from an open API.

  • The application contains two sub folders, backend and frontend
  • Backend is written in node and provide api data
  • Frontend is written in React 16.13 and is user UI.




  • Please adjust .env file (e.g API_URL if it is not localhost)


  • cd to backend
  • copy .env-example to .env
  • npm install
  • npm start


  • cd to frontend
  • copy .env-example to .env
  • npm install
  • npm start
  • if you want to build frontend run npm run build, you can serve using apache/nginx or npm run serve

Tips and tricks


  • We use the same node API sever for both api requests and serving the (build / static files) dist directory (frontend/dist/) of React app

Promise all

  • It is straight forward to resolve array of promises in js by putting them in an array and then calling Promise.all(arrPromises)
  • But it was tricky to do this with array of arrays containing promises
  • It is enticing that it is easy and straight forward to solve it like
 const allPromises = {
     promise1: arrayOfPromises,
     promise2: arrayOfPromises,
     promise3: arrayOfPromises,
  • Then iterating over this object in a loop, however it gives error promise not iterable
  • Here is a little tactic to cope with it, I added all promises from the above object in one array
    const allPromises = [...allPromises.promise1, ...allPromises.promise2,...allPromises.promise3]
  • And modify the code of the underline arrayOfPromises to call and return like
function('promise1', characters) {
    return {promise1, returnValue}
  • It is more obvious from the real example in this code
    // film.characters is an array of urls to characters api end point - hence it makes linear array of promises
    // Using getCharacters to make the above array as one promise, and put it in a linear array filmsCharacters
    films.forEach((film: any) => {
      const characters = getCharacters(film.title, film.characters);

    const allPromises = await Promise.all(filmsCharacters);
    // ....
    // Get all characters of a specific movie
    async function getCharacters(title: string, characters: any[]) {
    console.log("Characters : ", characters.length);
    const names: any = [];
    characters.forEach((url: string) => {
        const name = getCharacter(url);

    const people = await Promise.all(names);
    return { title, characters: people };

The Redux wrapper and Models - frontend

  • Working with the redux is as easy as creating one file in src/model and writing attributes of the model eg. title, release_date
  • Then goto src/store/index.js and add its entry in redux store, like others. You are now connected to redux store, all your actions, action types, reducers, sagas/api are in place. It also gives validation of the form/model.
  • By default all read actions are called at start of app (in browsers), check dev tools network tab

The Node MVC framework - backend

  • You need to create a model at src/models/Film.ts - it is very similar to the model in frontend above
  • Create a controller with a few lines of code at src/contollers/film.ts - It is very straight forward in the code already - CRUD functions only and if you need anything more
  • Create a route to your controller at src/routes/film.ts - simply express router
  • Plug the new routes in the src/app.ts in the section : // Routes Import. Your backend API is ready


  • Error in frontend : ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reache
  • Solution: echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

Nginx Virutal host

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    root /home/ubuntu/devs/starwars/frontend/dist;
    index index.html index.htm;

    server_name <ip>;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

  • sudo certbot --nginx -d site.se