This repo is a collection of scripts I developed or acquired while playing bitburner. I'll have to search for them again to find proper attribution, which I'll do at some point.
buyserver.js - script to buy servers
coding.js - script to find coding challenges (citation needed)
deleteserver.js - script to destroy a purchased server
forecasts.js - get the current forecast values for all the stocks
hacknet.js - script to manage purchasing and upgrading of hacknet nodes (citation needed)
karma.js - get your karma
share.js - share your server memory with factions
stock.js - script to manage basic stoke trades (citation needed)
This is a set of scripts to automate the hacking of available servers. It is coded to discover game changes so that you don't need to continuously restart the script, eg:
- Discover all servers on network
- Automatically root servers as your hack skill and available port tools allow it
- uses all available scriptable servers, distributing threads across all available servers automatically
- As of this writing, my home server has 8 cores and 64PB RAM, and the script is generator $24 trillion/sec
- To run this script, you will need a server with 16GB memory, and formulas.exe. If your home server doesn't have that yet, a purchased server should do fine.
master.js - master script that runs everything. Requires a 16GB server to run. Run with no parameters.
master_lib/settings.js - a bunch of adjustable parameters.
master_lib/constants.js - some general constants cause magic strings/numbers are Bad(tm).
master_lib/Server.js - class that represents individual servers
master_lib/Server_Manager.js - class that manages the entire server fleet
master_lib/utils.js - misc functions
master_lib/constants.js - a bunch of adjustable parameters.
master_lib/constants.js - a bunch of adjustable parameters.
root.js - helper script to root a server
grow.js - helper script to grow a server
hack.js - helper script to hack money from server
weaken.js - helper script to weaken server security