
Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status


Creating a blog for fun, from scratch

Login postit-local/admin or postit-local



  • Php 5.4
  • MySql
  • Composer
  • Git
  • PHPUnit


  • Create a vhost (see resource folder for example)
  • Create a db "postit"
  • Create 'cache' folder in app/views
  • sudo chmod -R 0777 app/views/cache/ and sudo chmod -R 0777 public/images/ (It's a demo!)
  • Tune your files in config/

Console commands

  • make install will run composer and install mysql tables
  • make test will run tests


  • MVC
  • SOLID principle
  • Decoupling Config files
  • Console commands/processes
  • Environment handling
  • DataBase Abstraction Layer
  • Composer usage and dependencies handling
  • DI container
  • Designing by interface not by concrete implementation
  • Interface naming consistent with the language (PHP)
  • Error/Exception handling
  • Bootstrapping
  • Resource fixtures
  • Makefile
  • CDN static logic (local, no Aws S3 or similar)
  • NO output caching
  • NO query caching
  • NO log
  • NO sanitizing/filtering
  • NO event handling
  • NO CSRF token


The images folder should be purged with a process, to remove the unused.