
Java library for providing facets over data

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome to Bitton

What is Bitton?

Bitton is a facetted browser that works over SPARQL stores. As supplied it is configured for navigating research information, however it is reasonably flexible and could be reused for other data.

Getting Started: Prerequisites

Bitton speaks SPARQL 1.1 over HTTP, so you need a SPARQL server. We also provide some example data to get you started.

Here we'll use fuseki. Unzip fuseki in the bitton directory:

$ unzip ~/Downloads/fuseki-0.2.0-20110325.114915-6.zip
$ cd Fuseki-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT

Load data:

$ java -cp fuseki-sys.jar tdb.tdbloader --loc DB ../example_data.nq

And finally start the server:

$ ./fuseki-server --loc DB /research

Running the service

Move to bitton directory and compile it, then move to the web app directory:

$ mvn install
$ cd facets-spring3-freemarker

Edit the revrev.properties file and ensure it's pointing at your SPARQL endpoint (for local fuseki it should be correct).

$ vi src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/resrev.properties

Finally run it:

$ mvn jetty:run

Visit the server (username: bob, password: bobspassword) and explore.