
repo for dotfiles

Primary LanguagePython


Packages and scripts used

  • Distribution - Manjaro
  • Window manager - i3
  • Lock - i3lock-color
  • Terminal - termite
  • File browser - Ranger
  • Shell - zsh
  • Status bar - Polybar
  • Theme creator - pywal
  • Text Editor - vim
  • Vim plugin manager - Plug
  • Application launcher - rofi
  • Conky
  • Stow
  • oh-my-zsh
  • Keyboard backlight manager - msi-keyboard
  • Backups - borg


  • pywal script updates the colors for polybar, vim, terminal, ranger, keyboard and i3
  • polybar changes color on events (high temperature or battery charging)
  • custom polybar scripts - weather, server, last backup etc
  • theme selection through rofi
  • keyboard changes color with theme
  • Hourly backup to local server with version control
  • Custom gdrive command in ranger


  • Hack Nerd Font
  • Weather Icons
  • Materials Icons
  • Symbola


Using wal -i <image> with an image you want to generate theme from will switch the colors to the ones you want. Can be done from rofi or terminal. The color-scheme persists on reboot.