
Keeping EDN in Amazon S3 or local filesystem with durable queue

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Backing EDN data structures with Amazon S3 or local filesystem. Uploads to S3 use durable queue, so entries will survive process death.


Clojars Project

Add following to project's dependencies:

[byte-streams "0.2.0"]
[ilshad/edn-keeper "xxx"]


First, define keeper object. Configure the storage with Amazon S3 or local filesystem:

(require '[edn-keeper.core :as k])

;; Option #1: Amazon S3
(def keeper (k/keeper {:storage :s3 :bucket "my-bucket-name"}))

;; Option #2: local filesystem
(def keeper (k/keeper {:storage :fs :path "/var/edn-keeper/my-application"}))

Keeper object implements edn-keeper.core/IKeeper protocol.

;; Save the data in the storage. "my-key" is kind of database partition.
(k/put keeper "my-key" {:foo [bar 42]})

;; List partitions
(k/keys keeper)

;; Download partition form the storage and read EDN
(k/get keeper "my-key")


Copyright © 2015 Ilshad Khabibullin.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.