TabsOnRails is a simple Rails plugin for creating tabs and navigation menus. It provides helpers for generating navigation menus with a flexible interface.
- Rails 3
Please note
- TabsOnRails 2.x requires Rails 3. Use TabsOnRails 1.3.x with Rails 2.
- TabsOnRails doesn't work with Rails 2.1 or lower (comment and commit).
RubyGems is the preferred way to install TabsOnRails and the best way if you want install a stable version.
$ gem install tabs_on_rails
Specify the Gem dependency in the Bundler Gemfile
gem "tabs_on_rails"
Use Bundler and the :git option if you want to grab the latest version from the Git repository.
In your template use the tabs_tag
helper to create your tab.
<%= tabs_tag do |tab| %>
<%= tab.home 'Homepage', root_path %>
<%= tab.dashboard 'Dashboard', dashboard_path %>
<%= tab.account 'Account', account_path %>
<% end %>
The example above produces the following HTML output.
<li><a href="/">Homepage</a></li>
<li><a href="/dashboard">Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href="/account">Account</a></li>
The usage is similar to the Rails route file. You create named tabs with the syntax tab.name_of_tab
. The name you use creating a tab is the same you're going to refer to in your controller when you want to mark a tab as the current tab.
Now, if the action belongs to DashboardController
, the template will automatically render the following HTML code.
<li><a href="/">Homepage</a></li>
<li class="custom"><span>Dashboard</span></li>
<li><a href="/account">Account</a></li>
Use the current_tab
helper method if you need to access the value of current tab in your controller or template.
class DashboardController < ApplicationController
set_tab :dashboard
# In your view
<p>The name of current tab is <%= current_tab %>.</p>
Read the documentation to learn more about advanced usage, builders and namespaces.
- Simone Carletti - The Author
TabsOnRails is Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Simone Carletti. This is Free Software distributed under the MIT license.