
Discord slash command / interaction implementation of Serverless(Vercel, Deta, etc) for use of myself.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Discord slash command/interaction implementation for Vercel and Deta for use of myself.


  • Slash commands
  • Message components
  • Context menus


├───api # Vercel purpose. See https://github.com/vercel/vercel/discussions/6598, You can delete this directory if you are not going to use with vercel.
├───commands # Edit the commands here.
├───interactions # Edit the rest of interaction here, such like buttons, list etc.
├───index.ts # Handler for deta.

Run on vercel

npm run register-commands
# Fork this repository and fill out the environment variables.
vercel dev # for debugging process

Run on deta

npm run register-commands
npm run compile
deta new --name discord-serverless-template build
# Now fill out the environment variables on .env file.
deta update -e .env

Environemnt Variables

Key Value
DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY Your Public Key for validating interactions.
DISCORD_APPLICATION_ID Your application key for (un)registering commands etc.
BYPASS_SECRET Secret Key for bypassing handle_auth. (optional)