
Sublime Text 3

Closed this issue · 14 comments

I really love your plugin. Can you please also make it compatible with the new sublime text 3? I installed the package but nothing happens when I hit cmd + ctr + h

Thanks a lot!!!

I have a hard time finding documentation on what changes for Sublime Text 3. As soon as that's available I will update the plugin to be compatible.

On May 2, 2013 11:40 AM, "Alexander Greim" wrote:

I have a hard time finding documentation on what changes for Sublime Text
3. As soon as that's available I will update the plugin to be compatible.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

+1 to this request :)

Any progress on this?
Does this help:

I will gladly buy you a beer if you do this soon ;)


@eyaleizenberg Your last message was containing the magic word. ;-)

I finally found the reason for the incompatibility. Funny enough it did not lie in the code but in the name of the plugin itself. I had to change it. The pull request has been sent to package control.

As soon as it got merged you have to do the following:

  • Remove the Ruby 1.9 Hash Converter plugin
  • Install the Ruby Hash Converter plugin

Everything else works as usual.

Awesome! Thank you so much!

Oh, and where do I send the beer? ;)

How about :beer:?

I think, something has changed in Package Control repositories system and your changes were lost:

So, it has name "Ruby 1.9 Hash Converter" and does not work in sublime text 3. Installing from git works fine. #3 (comment)

I'm still unable to see the version names "Ruby Hash Converter" in package control and had to install using git

+1 I don't see "Ruby Hash Converter" in package control

Same thing

Thanks for figuring out. Pull request has been sent.