- 0
Non-ASCII characters are not displayed correctly
#229 opened by chamartt - 2
Too many UTF decodes are running
#228 opened by fatihemree - 2
Language changes suddenly despite FlutterI18n.currentLocale(context)?.languageCode still returns desired language
#195 opened by chamartt - 2
- 2
- 1
App reloads on every save
#206 opened by EricKhoury - 1
- 2
NetworkFileTranslationLoader fetches locale multiple times and ignores forcedLocale
#216 opened by dani-filipovic - 2
Cannot retrive loading status
#222 opened by Mowinski - 1
add delimiter of file_translation_loader
#223 opened by little-alei - 2
support array and list
#218 opened by Judimax - 3
Upgrade intl package to 0.19.0
#217 opened by clementdemily - 1
Having both a translation key and object
#214 opened by AlexBolot - 1
Compatibility Issue with http 1.1.0
#212 opened by floherzler - 2
Using NetworkFileTranslationLoader breaks DeepLinks with GoRouter (When app is totally closed) on iOS
#211 opened by jarriaza-102 - 3
- 6
Upgrade intl package to 0.18.0
#204 opened by romgrm - 3
Language from previous page will not change when i refresh locale in current page
#201 opened by quocviet1996 - 1
- 2
Plugin always starts with english locale
#200 opened by lentyay - 5
_CastError Null check operator used on a null value
#193 opened by daninfpj - 2
android focus textfield Missing Key
#194 opened by mzl1988 - 5
Only default and one language working
#178 opened by fun-daz-dig - 5
Emoji not working with NetworkFileTranslationLoader but works with FileTranslationLoader
#190 opened by chamartt - 4
- 5
- 1
load an asset error
#187 opened by guchengxi1994 - 1
- 3
- 4
Set appropriate log levels
#179 opened by vkammerer - 1
- 6
Inproper use of Null check operator
#170 opened by hkirk - 4
Non-fatal Null check operator Exception
#176 opened by apastuhov - 1
Migrate example to sound null safety
#177 opened by vkammerer - 1
Problem with NamespaceFileTranslationLoader
#175 opened by yosmellopez - 2
- 6
Append to baseUri for network loading
#169 opened by alnah005 - 0
type 'Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Widget Function(BuildContext, Widget?)?' from `builder: FlutterI18n.rootAppBuider()`
#173 opened by Foldblade - 3
Language Changes to English after License Page
#166 opened by stefan01 - 1
type '(BuildContext, Widget) => StreamBuilder<Locale?>' is not a subtype of type '((BuildContext, Widget?) => Widget)?'
#167 opened by alexrintt - 1
ICU format
#165 opened by jasin755 - 1
- 7
Issue loading on Android
#163 opened by rsaldev - 7
constatnlty reloading create issue
#161 opened by Miamoto-Musashi - 2
Namespaced file is loaded but translations are missing
#162 opened by Buk1m - 1
How works loaders
#160 opened by Leeeeerich - 3
Error while build for web
#159 opened by Aerofluxx - 1
Null safety migration
#158 opened by dna-f - 2
upgrade to intl 0.17
#157 opened by Miamoto-Musashi - 1