Demo Features List


  1. Firebase sign-up by email& password
  2. Firebase sign-in by email& password
  3. Firebase sign-in by google-sign-in
  4. Firebase sign-out
  5. Remove user from firebase
  6. Change password
  7. Forget password
  8. API used in app • getListEntries • addNewEntry • updateEntry • deleteEntry

Back-End using Google Cloud Functions: (express.js/node)

  1. Store database firebase firestore database
  2. Create APIs: • API createEntry • API updateEntry • API deleteEntry • API getAllEntries • API getEntryById

To use this, you will need a Firebase project and Firebase tools CLI installed. You can install it using the command "npm install -g firebase-tools".

To log in to Firebase in the terminal, use the command "firebase login". To deploy to Firebase, for the first time, you need to deploy hosting and functions together using the command "firebase deploy". After that, you only need to deploy functions using the command "firebase deploy --only functions".