- Because Capistrano is bloated
- Because, no, I don't want to use rake for deployment, thank you
- Because I'm sick of having to jump through flaming hoops just to tweak the arguments of some stupid command
- Because I want something bare minimum, git-based, and dead-simple
- Because I felt like it
Gitploy was created to do dead-simple git-push based deployments. It doesn't use rake, it doesn't require git hooks, it just does the bare minimum. It's so minimal, in fact, that it doesn't even come with its own "recipe" - Gitploy is actually just a DSL to quickly define your own deployment strategy. No hooks, very little behind-the-scenes magic - it just does what you tell it to.
require 'gitploy/script'
configure do |c|
c.path = '/var/www/fooapp'
stage :staging do
c.host = 'staging.fooapp.com'
c.user = 'ninja'
stage :production do
c.host = 'fooapp.com'
c.user = 'deployer'
setup do
remote do
run "mkdir -p #{config.path}"
run "cd #{config.path} && git init"
run "git config --bool receive.denyNonFastForwards false"
run "git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore"
deploy do
remote do
run "cd #{config.path}"
run "git reset --hard"
echo "Bundle Install...""
run "bundle install --quiet --deployment --without development test"
echo "Migrating Database..."
run "bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=#{Gitploy.current_stage}"
echo "Deployment complete. Restarting server!"
run "touch tmp/restart.txt"
# uncomment the line below to send new relic a deployment marker
# newrelic_deployment_marker
$ gem install gitploy
# create config/gitploy.rb
$ gitploy production setup
$ gitploy production
# In case of emergency you can do a git push with the --force option
$ gitploy production --force
Gitploy supports sending New Relic Deployment Markers.
In your config/gitploy.rb
deploy do
remote do
run "cd #{config.path}"
run "git reset --hard"
run "bundle install --deployment"
echo "Deployment complete. Restarting server!"
run "touch tmp/restart.txt"
# new relic a deployment marker
The newrelic_deployment_marker supports the following optional overrides:
deploy do
remote do
run "cd #{config.path}"
run "git reset --hard"
run "bundle install --deployment"
echo "Deployment complete. Restarting server!"
run "touch tmp/restart.txt"
# new relic a deployment marker
newrelic_deployment_marker( stage: 'custom_stage_name', user: 'custom_user', revision: 'custom_revision', message: 'custom_message')
Gitploy is super alpha - don't use it yet, unless you're just that baller. Are you?
- Not enough documentation
- DSL implementation is pretty dumb and needs refactoring