
Trial project for Pipedrive

Primary LanguagePHP



  • PHP and Composer installed locally
  • Docker if you want to run app in docker container or apache if locally


$ git clone https://github.com/ilves/organization.git
$ cd organization


$ composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.3"
$ composer install

Running tests locally:

Edit src/config/db-test.php to set test database params. Also create database that is defined in db-test.php file as migration scripts do not include database creation process.

$ php src/yii_test migrate/up
$ ./vendor/bin/codecept run

Running app in docker container:

Edit docker-compose.yml environment variables if needed.

$ docker-compose up -d

You can access the application on port 8080, if you have not changed the default docker environment variables. For example: http://localhost:8080/v1/organizations


Insert organizations

Creates organizations and their relations from array of organization names and their children

  • URL /v1/organizations
  • Method: POST
  • URL Params None
  • Data Params { org_name : [string], daughters : [ { org_name : [string], daughters : [array] } ] }
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200
      Content: { data : null }
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 403 FORBIDDEN
      Content: { error : {message : "Organization name is required" } }
      Content: { error : {message : "Organization can't be child of itself" } }

Get organization relationships

Returns child, parent and daughter relationships for provided organization

  • URL /v1/organization/relationships
  • Method: GET
  • URL Params
    • Required: name=[string]
  • Data Params None
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200
      • Content: { data : [ { org_name : [string], relationship_type : [string] } ] }
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 404 NOT FOUND
      • Content: { error : {message : "Organization with name: $name not found" } }

Get all organizations

Returns all organizations

  • URL /v1/organizations
  • Method: GET
  • URL Params None
  • Data Params None
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200
      • Content: { data : [ { id : [integer], org_name : [string] } ] }

Delete organizations

Deletes all organizations and their relationships from the database

  • URL /v1/organizations
  • Method: DELETE
  • URL Params None
  • Data Params None
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200
      Content: { data : null }