
For easy uses REST API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Android CI License: MIT

EasyHttp is a lightweight HTTP client library for Android, designed to make it easy to perform synchronous and asynchronous HTTP requests with support for various HTTP methods, automatic redirection handling, and customizable retry policies.


  • Supports GET, POST, and PUT methods.
  • Handles HTTP redirects automatically with customizable redirect depth.
  • Supports synchronous and asynchronous requests.
  • Allows for customizable headers, query parameters, and request bodies.
  • Simple integration with Android's Executor and Handler.
  • Customizable retry policies.


To use EasyHttp in your project, add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation 'xds.lib:easyhttp:2.0.0'


1. Define a Custom Request

To use HttpRequest, you need to extend the class and implement the necessary methods for your specific use case. Here’s an example of how to create a simple GET request:

public class MyGetRequest extends HttpRequest<String> { 
    protected String getUrl() {
        return "https://api.example.com/data";
    protected String parseResponse(InputStream inputStream, String contentType) throws IOException {
        return IOUtils.inputStreamToString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

2. Execute the Request Synchronously

You can execute the request synchronously using the execute method:

MyGetRequest request = new MyGetRequest();
try {
    String response = request.execut();
    // Handle the response 
} catch (RequestException | ResponseException| ParseException e) {
    // Handle errors

3. Execute the Request Asynchronously

You can also execute the request asynchronously using the executeAsync method:

MyGetRequest request = new MyGetRequest();
request.executeAsync(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(), new ResponseListener<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String response, String requestId) {
        // Handle the response

    public void onFailed(Throwable throwable, String requestId) {
        // Handle errors

4. Customizing the Request

You can override additional methods to customize the behavior of your request:

public class MyPostRequest extends HttpRequest<String> {
    @Override protected
    String getUrl() {
        return "https://api.example.com/submit";
    protected String getRequestMethod() {
        return "POST";
    protected String getRequestContentType() {
        return "application/json";
    protected void writeRequestBody(OutputStream os) throws IOException {
        String jsonBody = "{\"key\":\"value\"}";
    protected String parseResponse(InputStream inputStream, String contentType) throws IOException {
        return IOUtils.inputStreamToString(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

5. Handling Redirects

By default, the library handles HTTP redirects (3xx status codes) automatically. You can customize the maximum number of allowed redirects by overriding the getMaxRedirects method:

public class CustomHttpRequest extends HttpRequest<String> {
    protected int getMaxRedirects() {
        return 10; // Allow up to 10 redirects

6. Customizing Retry Policy

You can define a custom retry policy by overriding the createRetryPolicy method:

public class CustomRetryRequest extends HttpRequest<String> {

    protected RetryPolicy createRetryPolicy() {
        return RetryPolicy.create(responseCode); // Retry up to 3 times with a delay 

7. Contribution

Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to EasyHttp, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.

8. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.