Emacs-BPR (Background Process Runner)
This package provides logic for async process execution.
It's similar to async-shell-command
, but:
spawns processes asynchronously without displaying output buffers.bpr
shows progress messages for running processes in echo area.bpr
can display buffer with process output in case of errors.bpr
can useprojectile
for assigning process directory.bpr
can format process output (understands ansi escape codes).- you can add handlers for
events - you can set different options for different processes.
is very handy for running tests/builds, but you can run any processes with it.
Given this configuration:
(require 'bpr)
;; Set global config for bpr.
;; Variables below are applied to all processes.
(setq bpr-colorize-output t)
(setq bpr-close-after-success t)
;; define function for running desired process
(defun run-tests ()
"Spawns 'grunt test' process"
;; Set dynamic config for process.
;; Variables below are applied only to particular process
(let* ((bpr-scroll-direction -1))
(bpr-spawn "grunt test --color")))
;; set key-binding
(define-key global-map "\C-ct" 'run-tests)
You get this behavior for success: And this for error:
What's happening:
- User enters predefined key-binding, which invokes function
. bpr-spawn
starts async processgrunt test --color
and writes progress messages in echo area.- If process ends successfully - success message is being shown.
- If process ends with error - error message is being shown and window with output buffer is being opened.
M-x package-install bpr
;; If you have cloned this repo into `~/some-path/emacs-bpr/`
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/some-path/emacs-bpr/")
(require 'bpr)
If you want to set options globally for all processes:
(require 'bpr)
;; use ansi-color-apply-on-region function on output buffer
(setq bpr-colorize-output t)
;; use comint-mode for processes output buffers instead of shell-mode
(setq bpr-process-mode #'comint-mode)
;; call `do-something` whenever bpr-spawn's process is compelted
(setq bpr-on-completion #'do-something)
If you want to set options to particular process, set them dynamically right before bpr-spawn
(let* (;; don't erase process output buffer before starting this process again.
(bpr-erase-process-buffer nil)
;; don't show progress messages (only success/error messages will be displayed)
(bpr-show-progress nil)
;; call `do-something` when process below is successfully completed
(bpr-on-success #'do-something))
(bpr-spawn "ping -c 4 www.wikipedia.org"))
Default directory for processes is default-directory
of current buffer, but with projectile
installed, bpr
would use projectile-project-root
function. To disable projectile support, set bpr-use-projectile
to nil. If you want to set custom logic for project root detection, just reimplement bpr-try-get-project-root
Default major mode for process's output buffer is shell-mode
. Note, that this buffer is only showed in case of error, but you can manually open it at any time by bpr-open-last-buffer
. Template for buffers names: *process-name (process-directory)*
bpr-spawn (cmd)
Executes string CMD asynchronously in background.
bpr-open-last-buffer ()
Opens the buffer of the last spawned process.
bpr-close-after-success nil
Indicates whether the process output window is closed on success.
bpr-open-after-error t
Indicates whether the process output window is shown on error.
bpr-window-creator #'split-window-vertically
Function for creating window for process.
bpr-process-mode #'shell-mode
Mode for process's buffer.
bpr-process-directory nil
Directory for process. If not nil, it will be assigned to default-direcotry. If nil, standard default-direcotry will be used, or projectile-project-root, if it's available and bpr-use-projectile isn't nil.
bpr-use-projectile t
Whether to use projectile-project-root (if available) for process's directory.
bpr-erase-process-buffer t
Indicates whether the process buffer is erased at the start of the new process.
bpr-scroll-direction 1
Scroll text in error window, -1 for scroll up, 1 - scroll down.
bpr-show-progress t
Whether to show progress messages for process.
bpr-poll-timout 0.2
Progress update interval.
bpr-colorize-output nil
Whether to colorize process output buffer. For this operation `ansi-color-apply-on-region' is used.
bpr-on-success '(lambda (process))
Function which is called in case of success. If function is interactive, it's called interactively; if not, it's called in a normal way with one argument - process.
bpr-on-error '(lambda (process))
Function which is called in case of error. If function is interactive, it's called interactively; if not, it's called in a normal way with one argument - process.
bpr-on-completion '(lambda (process))
Function, which is always called when process is completed. If function is interactive, it's called interactively; if not, it's called in a normal way with one argument - process.
Examples for different use cases
Running tests
(defun my-test-runner ()
"Spawns test process"
(let* ((bpr-scroll-direction -1) ;; scroll to the top of the output window (which is being shown in case of error)
(bpr-close-after-success t)) ;; close error window after process ended successfully (if it's not already closed)
(bpr-spawn "rake tests")))
Running builds
(defun my-build-runner ()
"Spawns build process"
(let* ((bpr-process-directory "~/chromium/") ;; spawn process in this directory (instead of default-directory or projectile-project-root)
(bpr-poll-timout 60.0)) ;; show progress messages once in 60 seconds
(bpr-spawn "make long-build")))