
Use Vim as a MANPAGER program

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Version 0.1.0 Support Vim 7.4 or above MIT License Doc

vim-manpager is plugin to use Vim as a MANPAGER. It also improve the behavior of :Man command and mappings in man file. See lambdalisue/vim-pager for PAGER.



" Vundle.vim
Plugin 'lambdalisue/vim-manpager'

" neobundle.vim
NeoBundle 'lambdalisue/vim-manpager'

" neobundle.vim (Lazy)
NeoBundleLazy 'lambdalisue/vim-manpager', {
        \ 'autoload': {
        \   'commands': 'ASMANPAGER',


To open vim via man command, use the following settings in your shell.

$ export MANPAGER="vim -c ASMANPAGER -"
$ man git

In Vim, you can use Man command to open a man page (the plugin overwrite the default Man command defined in default ftplugin/man.vim to improve the behavior)

:Man git

In man buffer, you can use the following keymaps

  • K Open the manual page for the word under the cursor
  • Enter Open the manual page for the word under the cursor
  • Ctrl-] Open the manual page for the word under the cursor
  • 2-LeftMouse Open the manual page for the word under the cursor
  • Tab Open next manual page in the history
  • Shift-Tab Open previous manual page in the history
  • ]t Find next keyword and move the cursor onto
  • [t Find previous keyword and move the cursor onto
  • q Close the manual page