
An experimental project

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Jenny is a very simple interpreter for AEL (short for arithmetic expression language), which was created mostly for educational purposes.


Attention, please: at this very moment, functions are not supported.

A number is represented as a series of digits which can be optionally followed by a decimal point and another series of digits, like so:


You can use / * + - ^ % operators and () for grouping, consider the following example:

(2 + 3) * (15 / 3) 
(5 % 2) * -1
(6 - 2) + (9 ^ 3)

You also can use - for negation, as shown in the example above.

Note that all white spaces are completely ignored and have no meaning in AEL.

You can create variables, like so:

foo = 16 ^ 4

Now you can reference this variable:

bar = 2 * foo

Here is the list of predefined variables:

  • pi, which is equal to 3.1415926535897931
  • e, which is equal to 2.7182818284590451

So now that you are quite familiar with the syntax, let's see what we have here.`


Grab the code from the repository and then go to the project's root directory:

git clone https://github.com/ilya-dev/jenny
cd jenny/

Now just install all the dependencies:

composer update


Now that we have Jenny successfully installed on our machine, let's see what it offers.


A tiny REPL is available for you out-of-the-box thanks to awesome symfony/console component.

Just run jenny repl and you're ready to tinker around with the interpreter!

Executing a file

You can also store your code in files. The extension can anything you like, but, if you can, stick with .ael, that's fine.

As a quick example, create test.ael:

echo "(2 ^ 5) * 2" > test.ael

And execute the file:

jenny run test.ael

The output should be similar to what's below:

>>> (2 ^ 5) * 2
# => 64


Everything is released under the MIT license. You can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license.

Check the LICENSE file for more information.


At the moment, you can just clone this repository and play around with the interpreter.

But there is still a bunch of things to do:

  • Write more tests, test in isolation

  • Improve code quality, do some refactoring

  • Add support for functions


Jenny is created by Ilya S. Follow me on Twitter @ilya_s_dev