
PHP Image-to-Ascii-Art Library

Primary LanguagePHP


A small PHP library to generate ASCII art from images

Example Output

Example Output


Install it using composer:

composer require bylexus/img2ascii


// Include the main class in your namespace:
use Img2Ascii\Processor;

$processor = new Processor('path/to/img.png');

// Default Usage: Creates a b/w ascii-art textfile with 10px per char:

// If you want to have some more control over the output:
    ->asciify(5)                      // pixel width per char
    ->result('#@Mm+:-.')              // Chars to use, from darkest to lightest
    ->writeFile('filename.txt','\n'); // filename and line ending char

// If you want to define the final output width instead of
// the pixel block width, use:
$processor->asciifyToWidth(100); // Creates 100 ascii chars in width

// Love colors instead of black/white? go ahead:
    ->colorResult('#')                      // In color mode, only a single char is used
    ->writeFile('filename.html','<br />');  // define line ending

... To be continued, work in progress ...