
This is a repo for a Learn Python For Charity Event

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Python Learn Marathon

This is a repo for the Learning Channel Python studying sessions.

NOTE: Codez from the first session have been pushed to the repo and the video can be found here until April 5th. We are working on pushing those materials to youtube and will make that link available here.

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 2PM EST for 1 hour starting December 2, 2020.

<iframe src="https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=dean_forward&parent=ilyagotfryd.github.io&autoplay=false" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" scrolling="no" height="378" width="620"></iframe>Watch live video from dean_forward on www.twitch.tv

First session covered

  • Hello World and Setup in repl.it
  • Variables
  • Collections tuples

Second session

  • Collections - remainder
  • Boolean Logic

Third Session

  • Boolean Logic - remainder
  • Strings

Fourt Session

  • Conditional Statements

Fifth Session

  • Loops and List/Dictionarry Comprehansion

Sixth Session

  • Functions

Seventh Session

  • Functions Continued

Eight Session

  • Modules, Debugging, Python path, Virtual Env - notes

Nineth Session

Tenth Session will cover

  • Classes

Upcoming sessions

  • Dates and date math

Youtube videos of prior sessions

Here are the prior sessions posted in a Youtube playlist.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Rg9w5nZzelI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sign up on Twitch to get further notifications


We will use Repl.it for the coding session

Once the session is ready to start click the link below to run this session in Repl.it:

Run on Repl.it

The teaching is going to be done in this environment to minimize setup problems. I will try to cover runing Python in your environment to a degree and we can have a Q&A about it in the course of the event.

Practice Typing Python before the lesson to keep up

To keep up with the lesson please practice typing Python so that special Symbols and scoping are easy to grasp at the fast pace.

Typing.IO Python practice

Screen setup for type along

If you do not have dual-screen setup, you will probably have an easier time if you set up twitch on your smart TV and watch this broadcast there so that your computer is fully available for coding:

Twitch on Apple TV| Twitch on Roku| Twitch on Cromecast| Twitch on FireTV

We are going to be broadcasting in as zoomed-in of a mode as possible so that you could split your screen if you are on a single monitor and code along with us. Here is the recommended setup:

Screen Split View

This setup suggests that you place two windows side by side and collapse alls the side-bars in both windows. One thing to be aware of is that when you will be executing your code results will be showing up in the console window collapsed in the image to the right so you will need to expand it when the command is running.

Lesson plan in a mind map

This mind map covers the lesson plan for two sessions. We are going to get through Python basics in the first session and go into more advanced topics depending on the success of the first session.

Python Learning Mind Map

Future plans and related projects

  • Let's review/learn more Python topics - I am looking to create more of these sessions, but only an hour or two long discussing libraries and other modern Python capabilitie.
  • Gagarin Academy - sample