
Tools & manual for flashing CC2531 stick


Tools & manual for flashing CC2531 stick

original manual: https://github.com/itsmepetrov/homebridge-zigbee/blob/master/docs/Flashing.md

Building for macOS

brew install libusb
brew install boost
brew install pkgconfig

git clone https://github.com/dashesy/cc-tool.git
cd cc-tool
autoreconf -fvi

This repo contains prebuilt binary cc-tool for macOS.


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mtornblad/zstack-1.2.2a.44539/master/CC2531/CC2531ZNP-Pro-Secure_LinkKeyJoin.hex
./cc-tool -e -w CC2531ZNP-Pro-Secure_LinkKeyJoin.hex

This repo contains firmware file also.

Further usage

  • You need to get last raspbian.
  • Create a microSD card with etcher
  • Setup a HomeBridge with
sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/fantomnotabene/homebridge_setup_script
cd homebridge_setup_script
bash install.sh