
SwiftUI Configurable Chart Library

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


BIKCharts is a new chart framework for iOS +13. There are different types of Charts like BarChart, LineChart, PieChart. There are lots of configurable options for these charts.

Tip: All chart models are ObservableObject and these properties have publisher. So you can easily change your model dynamically.
  • Pure SwiftUI
  • Dynamic
  • Animatable
  • Tooltip support
  • Configurable
  • Easy to implement and use


  • iOS +13


Use Swift Package Manager and add package dependency (File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...)



Create BarChartModel to configure your charts.
(Some of these properties have default value but you can configure as you wish)

// Sample titles and values for BarChartModel
let values: [CGFloat] = [300, 300, 400, 800, 1500, 400, 300, 800, 2000, 144, 53, 71]
let titles: [String] = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]

let model = BarChartModel(data: values,
                          dataDescriptions: titles,
                          calculationType: .maxValue,
                          barSpacing: 16,
                          fillBarColor: .green,
                          emptyBarColor: .gray,
                          barCornerRadius: .zero,
                          showValueText: false,
                          showValueDescription: true,
                          isBadgeViewEnabled: true,
                          badgeViewModel: BadgeValueModel(showUnderline: true, 
                                                          underlineColor: .red, 
                                                          title: "Value", 
                                                          foregroundColor: .purple),
                          direction: .vertical)

That's all 🎉
If you want to implement your custom dragAction, you can use this callBack;

BarChart(with: model, dragAction: { (value) in
.frame(width: 350, height: 250)


Create LineChartModel to configure your charts.
(Some of these properties have default value but you can configure as you wish)

// Sample values for LineChartModel
let values: [CGFloat] = [300, 300, 400, 800, 1500, 400, 300, 800, 2000, 144, 53, 71]

let model = LineChartModel(data: values,
                           calculationStyle: .maxValue,
                           lineWidth: 2,
                           showPoints: true,
                           lineColor: .red,
                           pointColor: .gray,
                           fillWithLinearGradient: LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .green, .purple]),
                                                                  startPoint: .bottom,
                                                                  endPoint: .top),
                           showLineWhenFilled: true,
                           dashOfLine: [10],
                           isBadgeViewEnabled: true,
                           badgeViewModel: BadgeValueModel(showUnderline: true,
                                                           underlineColor: .red,
                                                           title: "Value",
                                                           foregroundColor: .blue))

That's all 🎉
If you want to implement your custom dragAction, you can use this callBack;

LineChart(with: model, dragAction: { (value) in
.frame(height: 120)


Create PieChartModel to configure your charts.
(Some of these properties have default value but you can configure as you wish)

// Sample pieChartDataList for PieChartModel
  let pieChartDataList: [PieChartData] = [.init(slice: .init(value: 35, color: .red),
                                                              titleConfiguration: .init(title: "C",
                                                                                        foregroundColor: .black,
                                                                                        font: .headline)),
                                                        .init(slice: .init(value: 75, color: .green),
                                                              titleConfiguration: .init(title: "C++",
                                                                                        foregroundColor: .yellow,
                                                                                        font: .headline)),
                                                        .init(slice: .init(value: 55, color: .gray),
                                                              titleConfiguration: .init(title: "Java",
                                                                                        foregroundColor: .blue,
                                                                                        font: .headline)),
                                                        .init(slice: .init(value: 124, color: .orange),
                                                              titleConfiguration: .init(title: "Kotlin",
                                                                                        foregroundColor: .gray,
                                                                                        font: .headline)),
                                                        .init(slice: .init(value: 172, color: .blue),
                                                              titleConfiguration: .init(title: "Swift",
                                                                                        foregroundColor: .orange,
                                                                                 font: .headline))]
    let model = PieChartModel(data: pieChartDataList,
                                    borderStyle: BorderStyle(circumferenceBorderStrokeStyle: .init(lineWidth: 3,
                                                                                                   lineCap: .butt,
                                                                                                   lineJoin: .bevel,
                                                                                                   dash: [20]),
                                                             circumferenceBorderColor: .pink))

That's all 🎉
If you want to implement your custom tapAction, you can use this callBack;

PieChart(viewModel: model, tapAction: { (data) in
.frame(height: 250)


Berdil İlyada Karacam


BIKCharts is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.