
Script for transform javascript files to flowtype definition files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version npm downloads

This is a script which finds .js files with @flow annotation, extract flow definitions and save to specific folder.

As example, <inputDir>/example.js

// @flow

extract function foo(arg1: number, arg2: string): string {
    // some code here

will be transformed to <outputDir>/example.js.flow:

// @flow

declare extract function foo(arg1: number, arg2: string): string;


Install it with yarn:

yarn add gen-flow-files

Or with npm:

npm i gen-flow-files --save


As part of build process

scripts": {
    "flow": "flow",
    "build:flow": "gen-flow-files src --out-dir dist",

transfrom all .js files from src to .js.flow files and save them at dist.

As command

npx gen-flow-files <inputDir> --out-dir <outputDir>

transfrom all .js files from <inputDir> to .js.flow files and save them at <outputDir>.