
Cloud advertisement processor (Perl version)

Primary LanguagePerl

=head1 NAME

Cloud advertisement processor (CAP).

This module intends for advertising message processing, which are sent to us by CS (client service). 
CS might be a site, sites or a mobile application. Processing means next 3 functions:

=over 5

=item * Registration of advertising messages in a DB;

=item * Returning proper (set by a client) response on demand;

=item * That`s all.


=head2 Registration of advertising messages in the DB.

When CAP accepts one of three kinds of requests, it immediate puts it with all its properties to the DB. 

There are 3 types of requests:

=over 5

=item * *Impression*: a user service has just requested us to show an ad banner, consists of 2 parameters: user_id, target_id;

=item * *Click* request: a user has just clicked to a banner in CS and his browser has sent request to CAP, consists of 3 parameters: user_id, target_id and banner_id;

=item * *Endpoint* request: a user has just do some event, in which an owner of CS is interested in (a user buy anything for example), consists of 2 parameters: user_id and event_type.


=head3 Something about parameters:

=over 5

=item * *user_id* allows us to identify user, for who CS wants show ad banner. *user_id* is produced by CS
service as 32 byte array of symbols.

=item * *target_id* identifies target, which represents advertising place in application or site itself, it is 32 byte array of symbols also;

=item * *banner_id* identifies advertising banner, not just a picture, but picture with all configurations, 32 byte array of symbols;

=item * *event_type* is just a message intended to identify type of an endpoint action for our client, it might be a 255 bytes string.


=head2 Returning proper (predicted by client) response on demand.

We must obviously return something for client requests. Generally CAP uses HTTP Response Statuses to transport information into response;

=over 5

=item * After *impression* requests CAP returns URL to static (banner image);

=item * After *click* request CAP redirects a user to target URL (web page probably);

=item * After *endpoint* request CAP returns empty message.


If response has body information, this information is formatted as JSON Object. Because we might add any new parameters to response in future.

=head3 Callbacks

I believe it is sellable feature. CAP may call some client URLs as a part of endpoint request processing. Client compose URL which must be called when some request processed successfully in client console. He prepares URL template, it looks like


It may be useful for client to react for events, for example to pay poker chips to user who install application from poker with a help of CAP.

=head3 Impression strategy

When CAP is processing impression request, it must determine, which banner will be showed to user.

Generally CAP uses [Fitness_proportionate_selection](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitness_proportionate_selection) for it.

User have to create a target, banners and tune, which banners impress in the target and how often in persentes.

=head3 Objects

It is not objects in OOP meaning, but object in real life.

  email: ilaymirin@pornstarsgals.com
  name: ilaymirin
  - id: 23gfh3j9hf3xm8fm38yxgfm38xmbf3c
    name: Big banner with girls
      - id: ds3fh93r9f3rjf3r9f39rn93rnwcwdcw
        name: boobs1
        prob: 0.7
        target_url: http://pornstarsgals.com/big/boobs/3439849w2384
      - id: 3nvu3nviejnfvijefnviefmvjefvkevj
        name: boobs2
        prob: 0.3
        target_url: http://pornstarsgals.com/big/booties/245243423423
      - name: user_buy_somthg
        callback: http://pornstarsgals.com/new/client/buy/smthg?userid=%USER_ID%
      - name: user_watch_big_photo

=head3 Interface

CAP believes in [REST](http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/whatisrest.html)

For example, a typical click processing call: 

 POST http://tripping-ninja.com/v2/click

Get the whole information about banner, throw target:

GET http://tripping-ninja.com/v2/banner/23gfh3j9hf3xm8fm38yxgfm38xmbf3c/target/23gfh3j9hf3xm8fm38yxgfm38xmbf3c
    id: "dvsvsbsbdbdb", 
    banner_id: "23gfh3j9hf3xm8fm38yxgfm38xmbf3c",
    target_id: "svsvsvscvdfewfwefwfwfwfwfwdvbev",
    user_id: "wvwinviwjnvwdnmvwodmckmwdocmcwo",
    created_at: "2013-01-01 01:11:75"
  },  etc...
