FERC Document Trail

Grant Project funded by the Fund for Multimedia Documentation

of Engaged Learning, The New School.

Project supervisor: Stephen Metts

General Information

The purpose of this project is to assist with extraction of documents submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and issued by FERC.

It serves as a tool for extracting all the documents and meta data relating to the documents that can be found in FERC online library available for public access. This application allows passing a string to the search query (search by some text such as "pipeline") and/or a docket number that has been assigned to a specific project (or a list of dockets).

The way FERC handles HTML pages is not very friendly for the conventional means of web scraping. Links are not links, file links don't actually point to the existing files. Every link generates either a GET or POST HTTP request and such request is processed by the FERC server. This scraper does all the HTTP request work by itself and yields traditionally acceptable output.


Clone the repository the regular way of cd'ing into a directory of choice and issuing the regular git clone command

cd Users/username
git clone https://github.com/ilyaperepelitsa/FERC_DOC_TRAIL.git

This project relies on Scrapy platform designed by Scrapinghub. Scrapy is an advanced tool and it's open source although credit is due for maintaining such a useful tool.

The only other external library that this project relies on is a library that was created for Scrapy and is called scrapy-fake-useragent. This library creates fake headers for requests so that requests look like they are coming from random browsers. FERC bans high volume of requests coming in frequently. The fake browser headers is just one step away from getting banned. In order to install both libraries type:

pip3 install scrapy
pip3 install scrapy-fake-useragent


Before starting the project - open the repository folder that you cloned and go to the FERC folder that contains the spiders folder. Open the fercgov.py file with a text editor and go to line 36 for general info and description. After reading the description navigate to lines 108 and 111 - your search parameters are there. The docket parameter HAS to be a list even if it has one or zero dockets (empty list). Respectively, variable search has to be a string, current version of this project doesn't support a list of strings since it mimics the basic functionality of FERC search form. Please don't leave both the search field and docket list empty. Although the FERC search engine will allow accessing all the existing documents that way, current version of this application's file tree builder doesn't support this functionality yet. It's quite a niche need and it might be added in the future.

Make sure that the search parameters are the ones that you need (for the project(s) that you're inquiring about).

The settings file in the FERC directory has the setting:


By default this project is ethical towards the FERC servers - 2 seconds is a good enough delay that shouldn't cause the servers to go down and consume much of processing power by overloading. Scrapy will take this number and request pages at a delay that ranges from 0.5 - 1.5 times the delay value (i.e. 1.2 * 2 = 2.4 seconds). This way you are not bombarding the server with several hundred requests per minute . You can manually change it to higher or lower value (down to 0) depending on your project. This setting is your responsibility, consider yourself warned.


Assuming you followed all the above instructions and everything worked correctly - all required libraries have been installed and you're in the repository directory. Now you can issue the following command in the terminal:

scrapy crawl fercgov

fercgov is the name of the spider that is used to send requests and record the activity + download files. It is different from the regular structure of Scrapy project where the item is generated and passed through a pipeline. This is due to the fact that an item is populated across multiple nodes that are traversed via new requests (data from previous pages is passed to such requests), in addition the regular Scrapy file download pipelines don't work - the file links are internal links to be processed by the server, they don't actually point to files directly.

Downloaded files and log.json

The script writes its output to a log.json located in the FERC_DOC_TRAIL/FERC/download_folder directory. It saves all the documents in the same directory, so that all the output is conveniently located in that folder.

Convert to CSV

JSON was intentionally used as one of the easiest wide-spread formats to use (requires no database setup and is easily parsable with python when we need to determine whether entries exist) however one may prefer to work with CSV since it's readable by Excel and is preferable in the office environment. To duplicate the log file run the following commands:

python3 process_to_csv.py

If you just ran the main spider script - you're already in FERC_DOC_TRAIL directory therefore you cd only once again (as noted in the code above) to get to FERC_DOC_TRAIL/FERC

Errors and output

  • The longest we ran the scraper for is 7 hours with the search for all library entries that contain the word "pipeline" - we terminated it when it downloaded ~8.77 Gb. We were downloading with a 1 second delay. All this conditions didn't get us banned, your results may vary.
  • The most common error that we saw was related to file names, therefore some files weren't downloaded. There were about a dozen of such cases (maybe 20 at most) which is acceptable for 8 Gb of files yet doesn't seem satisfactory for our perfectionism. These errors will be examined in the future, for now they are accompanied with the following error messages that you will see in the terminal. They return the file url so you can download it manually until the problem is resolved. We addressed most of the variation issues that we encountered in the library (i.e. flexible columns in json file which get created whenever there is a new file format discovered) yet this is the example where flexibility is desirable but not achieved easily - we have to extract the format of the file from the server so that we can actually open the downloaded file.
{'=============FILENAME ERROR=============': 'https://elibrary.ferc.gov/idmws/common/FN_error.asp?flag=5&fileNetID=32387352&pageNumber='}


{'=============FORMAT ERROR=============': '###############################'}

In our experience (even though we didn't actually do the proper analysis of this issue) the frequency of such errors was much higher with lower delays - it is likely that the server is struggling to handle a large volume of requests.

Miscellaneous recommendations

  • Do not launch the scraper on weekends. I think someone physically turns off the server - no request returns any response
  • FERC bans for some noticeable time. There are only two reasons for the scraper not working: you got banned or the server is down (for the weekend or temporarily). When you get banned your script either produces errors constantly or terminates early. The easiest way to confirm that you are banned is to open this link and click submit. If you get the following page in response:

ban image

We recommend to wait for some time - a day or two is quite a consistent time but there were cases when we were unbanned in less than a day after some aggressive testing (where the image comes from). You may also see the following page:

down image

This usually indicates of the server being down - check again in 10 minutes.

  • Think about your requests in advance - if you play with the scraper for too long and get banned you will have to wait for the ban to go down. Use it only for the requess that you are sure about (tested docket numbers, proper search strings etc.)


  • Scraping is legal
  • Scrape responsibly - if you actually end up costing a significant amount of money for server processing time you can be liable for the damages. We recommend not to get close to the situation when the owner of the site has to ask themselves "Is what this person is doing even legal?". Don't go there. Getting cease and desist letters is a potential scenario and they are much better than compensating for the damages.
  • We created a tool that is hopefully very useful for you. The rest is your responsibility. If you choose to be intrusive and disrespectful - it is your choice and not ours.
  • Our default download delay is set to 3 seconds - this will get you about a GB of documents in an hour. That's a GB of PDF files, DOC files and images. It isn't likely that you're going to process all the documents in a day, don't bee greedy and opt in for longer delays, be realistic and respectful.

P.S. I will be updating this section later - it takes time to remember all the details