Airtable powered static site

Gatsby gets data from Airtable API, builds the site according to data and makes the site static. If you do make a change you'll need to build it again.

See example Airtable table

Airtable Tables

Table Name Description
Pages Just have one field with name of 'Name' and enter other table names that representing pages
... Rest are your pages. Refer to Airtable Fields when creating them.

Airtable Fields

Field Name Description
Name Name of the section. It doesn't really matter whatever name you chose for this. It will not be present on content itself.
Type Type of the section. Currently there are two types of section. Hero and Content. Hero stands for Hero title. Content is well... content?
Text Title for both types. Might change this field name later.
Description Description for Content type. Leave blank for Hero type.
Image Image properties in JSON format. ex. {"position": "left", "address": "URL"}. Leave blank for Hero type.
Button Button properties in JSON format. ex {"name": "Go to page 2", "slug": "/page-2/"}. Leave blank for Hero type.


  • Clone this repository (no sh*t)
  • yarn to install dependencies
  • Create two files named .env.development and .env.production. And enter your api key like this: AIRTABLE_APIKEY=YOUR_APIKEY to both of the files. Also enter your Base ID to .env.development in AIRTABLE_BASEID environment variable.
  • Enter your baseId, tableName and tableView in gatsby-source-airtable in gatsby-config.js
  • yarn develop to start development server. Remember to restart the server everytime you changed the table.
  • Make your changes. (and open a pull request?)
  • yarn build to build.
  • yarn serve to serve the site in production mode.