Hello Front End App

πŸ“— Table of Contents


Doctore-frontend Is a webpage that displays list of Doctores with their biography from the back end api Doctore-back-end

The goal of this project is to display the ability to implement a full stack web application by connecting the back end to the front end

Kanban Board

Tech Stack


Key Features

  • React front end framwork
  • Git-flow
  • Es6 module

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πŸš€ Live Demo

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πŸ’» Getting Started

1.install git, if you already have git installed skip this step.

2.open command terminal

3.navigate to the directory you want remote directory to be cloned to

4.go to the github and copy the url of the repository

5.clone the repository by typing git clone the url copied in step 4

6.Hit enter in the keyboard

7.navigate to the copy of your cloned repository using cd command


In order to run this project you need:

  • Basic knowdlenge of HTML, CSS, javascript and the code editor of your choice.
  • Basic knowlege of the computer operating system.


Clone this repository to your desired folder:(https://github.com/ilyassatlassi/final-capstone-project-frontend.git)


note before running this project install and run the back end first

follow this link to run the back end

To run the project, execute the following command:

npm install

to install all the dependencies used in the project

npm run build

to build this project from the source folder using webpack

npm run start

in order to start a server and deploy the project localy


You can deploy this project using: github pages or any host of your choice

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πŸ‘₯ Authors

πŸ‘€ David-Lanzz

πŸ‘€ Sabi Mantock

πŸ‘€ Precious Betine

πŸ‘€ Ilyass Atlassi

πŸ‘€ Fahim Khan:

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πŸ”­ Future Features

  • Responsive for all devices
  • Adding additional pages
  • Impelment animations and transitions

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🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project please give it a ⭐️.

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πŸ™ Acknowledgments

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πŸ“ License

This project is MIT licensed.

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