
A simple project that simulate the first two rounds of a Swiss Tournament.

Primary LanguagePython

Tournament Results

This program will simulate the first two rounds of a Swiss Tournament. In the first round each player will be randomly assigned to another and a win or loss will be recorded. In the second round, those players who have one win will play one another and those with one loss will play one another.

###Install Virtualbox### https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

###Install Vagrant### https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads

Verify that Vagrant is installed and working by typing in the terminal:

$ vagrant -v   # will print out the Vagrant version number

###Clone the Repository### Once you are sure that VirtualBox and Vagrant are installed correctly execute the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/Ilyes-Hammadi/tournament-fwd
$ cd tournament-fwd

###Verify that these files exist in the newly cloned repository:###

--src             #folder containing tournament files
----tournament.py        #file that contains the python functions which unit tests will run on
----tournament_test.py   #unit tests for tournament.py
----tournament.sql       #postgresql database
--Vagrantfile            #template that launches the Vagrant environment
--pg_config.sh           #shell script provisioner called by Vagrantfile that performs
                          some configurations 

###Launch the Vagrant Box###

$ vagrant up   #to launch and provision the vagrant environment
$ vagrant ssh  #to login to your vagrant environment

###Enter the Swiss Tournament###

$ cd src

###Initialize the database###

$ psql
vagrant=> \i tournament.sql
vagrant=> \q

###Run the unit tests###

$ python tournament_test.py

You should see these results:

1. Old matches can be deleted.
2. Player records can be deleted.
3. After deleting, countPlayers() returns zero.
4. After registering a player, countPlayers() returns 1.
5. Players can be registered and deleted.
6. Newly registered players appear in the standings with no matches.
7. After a match, players have updated standings.
8. After one match, players with one win are paired.
Success!  All tests pass!

###Shutdown Vagrant machine###

$ vagrant halt

###Destroy the Vagrant machine###

$ vagrant destroy

###Shoutouts & References###