
React Native Markdown Editor and View

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Markdown Editor and View (RNMD)

RNMD is a React Native module that allows seamless integration of a Markdown editor and live preview functionality into your React Native projects.

Important: This is the first version (v1.0.0) of RNMD. While it is feature-complete for basic usage, we are actively working on updates to improve performance and enhance the user interface. Expect regular updates and improvements in future releases.


Here are some screenshots showcasing the features of RNMD:

Feel free to explore and visualize the RNMD module through these screenshots.


Special thanks to the creators of react-native-markdown for their excellent work. RNMD leverages the foundation laid by react-native-markdown to provide a rich Markdown editing and preview experience in React Native.


npm install @ilz5753/rnmd
# or yarn
yarn add @ilz5753/rnmd
# or bun
bun add @ilz5753/rnmd



Import the MDEditor and register as new screen via react-navigation or your navigation strategy and navigate to it through navigate function

import * as React from 'react';
import { MDEditor } from '@ilz5753/rnmd';

function UserReadMe() {
  return (
        header: {
          title: 'README',
          subtitle: 'examples/todo/readme.md',
          hasLeftBtn: true,
          // leftBtn: 'back-arrow',
          // leftBtn: 'close',
        // isRTL: true,
        // horizontal: true,
        colors: {
          headerShadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',


Import MDPreview and pass your markdown content to it!

import * as React from 'react';
import { MDPreview } from '@ilz5753/rnmd';

function UserReadMe() {
  return (
        md: `# Project

hey, this is my first repo readme!

[test link](https://example.com)


*italic text*

> Testing block quotes

>> nested quotes

>>> interested to more nesting?

Features (In Development)

  • Markdown Editor: Easily integrate a Markdown editor into your React Native application.

  • Live Preview: Real-time preview of Markdown content through a pan gesture.

  • Flexible Scrolling: Supports both vertical and horizontal scrolling for a versatile viewing experience. Connecting Pans to Gesture Handler: Integrate pan gestures with Gesture Handler for smoother interactions.

  • Search Bar: Implement a search bar for efficient navigation within the Markdown content.

  • Horizontal or Vertical Preview Pan: Enable users to choose between horizontal and vertical preview pan.

  • MD Text Input: Write functions for Markdown text input, allowing users to compose content effortlessly.

  • MD Preview Functions and Render View: Develop functions for Markdown preview and render the view accordingly.


  • Search Box: Implement search functionality to navigate through Markdown content efficiently.


We welcome contributions to enhance RNMD. If you have suggestions, bug reports, or want to contribute code, please follow our contribution guidelines.


RNMD is licensed under the MIT License.

Made with create-react-native-library