This application use redis as database. The functionalities that it has are
- A new user is created whenever the page is rendered
- A user can post meme that can be seen on profile page
- A user can follow someone so they can see their meme on home page
- A user can unfollow anyone if they want
- Mainly it uses the ordered_set and map from redis
- Python3
- redis < 3.0
cd app
You can see your application at htttp://localhost:{port-number}/
by default it's 5000
Postman collection can be found at postman/MemeWorld.postman_collection.json
Link: Link to the video
- For people with large followers we can use queue and workers
- For the page who get lots of traffic, we can create a static cache for them
- We can use pub/sub to trigger notification
- React because of familiarity as i don't wanna waste much time on front-end
- Python because i got bored of node.js so i thought of using python for the firs time as web server
Mainly i used hash and ordered_set
- Ordered_set helped to order all followers/unfollowers and posts activity in the manner i wanted them to displayed so saved my a lot of operation
- hash for user and for other object types because they are the perfect way to represent an object as a Redis data structure. Also, they provide constant time basic operations like get, set, exists etc.
It have concurrency but not parallelism It's a API based application where more than 100 users can be active at the same time thus it's a multi threading application amd this is the reason i used locks wherever necessary.