
You can leave the product stalking to him and enjoy your tea

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


You can leave the product stalking to him and enjoy your tea

Tech Stack

  1. Node.js - BackEnd, Most operations of the project were I/O intensive.
  2. MongoDB - Database
  3. Pino - Logging framework, It has quite low overhead in compare to other loggers
  4. CI/CD - Github actions
  5. K8s - All the needed api files are located in K8s folder
  6. Nginx - To keep our server safe from DoS attacks. It also helps us in easily scaling, faster response using cache and traffic routing.
  7. Jest - Unit tests (Only auth unit tests has been added for now)

How to run?

This application is compatible with docker as well as kubernetes.


  1. Run the below command
    docker-compose up --build
  2. You can now access the website at http://localhost/

**You should have docker installed on your system


  1. Run the below command

    cd k8s
    kubectl apply -f .
  2. This will start the application in your cluster and you can access it using the ingress ip assigned to you by kubernetes.

**You should have kubenetes enabled and nginx-ingress addon installed on your system.
One of the easiest way to manage kubenete locally is Minikube

How to test?

Please use the Stalker.postman_collection.json located at root folder to import all the APIs it has along with examples to your postman.


