
A proxy API to list movies from https://ghibli.rest/

Primary LanguagePython

Django ghibli API


  • This API acts as a proxy to https://ghibli.rest/.
  • The data from https://ghibli.rest/ is saved in database every 1 minute using a custom command facilitated by the Django-cron package.
  • The logs for the cron-job execution can be viewed on the admin page.

Setting Up and Running the Project

To set up and run this project locally, follow these steps:


  • Ensure you have Docker installed on your machine.

Running the Project

  • To start the project, simply run the following command in your terminal:
    docker-compose up

API Endpoint

URL: http://localhost:8080/films/


This API requires an API key for access. Use the following header for authentication:

  • Header Key: X-SECRET-KEY & Value: h2R6f8Gp#QxYsJt

  • There are extensions such as "Modify Headers for Google Chrome," for making custom headers for all requests.

  • Note: The API key is set using the environment variable ghiblikey in the Docker-compose file.

Response Structure

When you make a request to the endpoint, the API returns a JSON response with the following structure:

    "id": "<film_id>",
    "actors": [
            "id": "<actor_id>",
            "name": "<actor_name>",
            "species": "<species_type>",
            "url": "<actor_url>"
        // More actors...
    "title": "<film_title>",
    "original_title": "<original_title>",
    "original_title_romanised": "<romanised_title>",
    "image": "<image_url>",
    "movie_banner": "<banner_url>",
    "description": "<film_description>",
    "director": "<director_name>",
    "producer": "<producer_name>",
    "release_date": "<release_year>",
    "running_time": "<duration_in_minutes>",
    "rt_score": "<rotten_tomatoes_score>",
    "url": "<film_url>",
    "species": [
    "locations": [],
    "vehicles": [

Example Request

curl -H "X-SECRET-KEY: h2R6f8Gp#QxYsJt" http://localhost:8080/films/