Scalable Kafka - Spark streaming - Cassandra pipeline in Docker Swarm

This repository provides a basis to

  • Create clusters using docker-machine and Docker Swarm. We provide scripts to create clusters either locally using virtual machines, or on AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • Start Kafka, Spark cluster standalone, and Cassandra as Docker Swarm services
  • Run an example demo using a Jupyter notebook connected to the cluster, where a Spark streaming application collects messages from Kafka and writes them to Cassandra

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Preliminary requirements

  • Docker version 1.13.1 and docker-machine version 0.9.0
  • Additionally:
    • Virtual Box, in order to create virtual machines (VMs), and/or
    • An account on AWS, in order to create AWS instances.

The scripts were tested using Mac OS 10.10.5 and Ubuntu 14.04, on a host (for VMs) with 16GB RAM and 2 CPUs.

Create cluster

Use the scripts in cluster-management:

  • : Creates a cluster of virtual machines.

  • : Creates a cluster of AWS machines.

The scripts create a 3 node cluster (one master and two workers) per default. See the cluster management README for more details.

Start services

Use the 'start all' script in the service-management folder to start all services

eval $(docker-machine env master)

Interact wih the cluster from a notebook

Connect to notebook demo container

docker run -it --network=cluster-network \
-p 8888:8888 -p 4040:4040 -p 23:22 \
yannael/notebook-demo bash

Create Cassandra database for demo script

cqlsh cassandra-seed -f init_cassandra.cql

Start notebook


Connect to masterIP:8888 in your browser (where masterIP is the IP of the master node of the cluster) to access the notebooks.


For providing base material to this repository

For funding