
If you want to install a Mikrotik on the server, but also use the rest of the server, you should use this project.

Primary LanguageShell


Install and run mikrotik routeros using docker

If you want to install a Mikrotik on the server, but also use the rest of the server, you should use Docker.

Pull the image

docker pull ghcr.io/im-ecorp/mikrotik-routeros:latest


docker pull hossein3piol/mikrotik-routeros:latest

You can use version tag instead of latest

for example hossein3piol/mikrotik-routeros:7.9

Run container using command

  • command line

    docker run -itd \
      --name mikrotik \
      -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 1194:1194 -p 8291:8291 -p 8729:8729 \
      --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
      --device=/dev/net/tun \

to stop the container

docker stop mikrotik
docker rm mikrotik

Run container using compose

  • compose file

    version: '3.9'
           container_name: "mikrotik"
           image: ghcr.io/im-ecorp/mikrotik-routeros:latest
           privileged: true
               - "21:21"    #ftp
               - "22:22"    #ssh
               - "23:23"    #telnet
               - "80:80"    #http
               - "443:443"  #https
               - "1194:1194"  #OVPN
               - "1450:1450"  #L2TP
               - "8291:8291"  #winbox
               - "8728:8728"  #api
               - "8729:8729"  #api-ssl
               - "13231:13231"  #WireGuard
               - NET_ADMIN
               - /dev/net/tun

If you want to give your container static IP, its example is included in the project

Configure Openvpn

Click for Openvpn configuration details


  • first of all we need add private range IP address for each client to have an IP address

    I use rage. you can use other range like ip_pool

  • after setting IP pool, must get certificate for Openvpn certificate

  • crete profile for Openvpn profile

  • add new client in secret tab clinet

  • create Openvpn profile on interface tab interface I use 4646 port for Openvpn. You can use other ports

  • Finally, in order for each configuration to connect to the Internet, the firewall rule must be set firewall_nat

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  • USDT (TRC20): TH1iDsFr2wjgpptghFBn6h7DVt88pp5WoH

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