
Automatic provisioning tool for BeautySelection's backend developer on Max(OS X).
This script will install some essential software and oh-my-zsh shell with powerlevel10k theme.
Please contribute this repository if you discover helpful tools or automations for everyone's efficiency.


Create the AWS access key ID and secret access key.

  1. Visit the IAM console
  2. Select your IAM user name.
  3. Select the Security Credentials tab and then Create Access Key.

How to use

git clone
cd auto-init-mac
chmod 755

[1] Back-End
[2] Front-End
choose your install type[1|2 or skip install if not input.]: 

Included software

See Brewfile
For customizing software list, edit Brewfile before run ./


After contribution, you can test this script on virtual OS X created by docker or parallels.