
Primary LanguageJava

##Example application for interview

This application should run HTTP server and then take requests. If request is JSON type and right requested, it will return proper response -- -- or pass error.

For build app and run it in docker, just run make:


It will: - mvn clean compile - mvn clean install (install all dependencies) - mvn clean package - docker run -p 4242:4242 redhat-interview

Commands for pushing image to quay registry are commented - its made for pushing into my repository and it takes long.. sorry about that.

In my case I used minikube for working with Kubernetes, because I don't have my own cluster..

I tested the function of app only by using curl:

curl -d '{"message":"Hello world!"}' http://localhost:4242/

If user write curl with different parameter than JSON, it will return error message in JSON format....