Hassle-free in browser RPA extractor.
- FileSystemAccessApi - choose file, choose directory, give permissions , extract
- Unpickle written in Golang and compiled to WASM. (I didn't find good JS web Pickle library [ ... and I wanted to try WASM])
- Can scan a directory for RPA files
Firefox and Safari don't want to implement FileSystemAccessApi
- Parallel extraction (2-4 web workers) to in-memory zip. 250 Mb zip limit.
- Zip downloaded to the default download directory
- Can handle all sizes archives [of course it's slower in the browser]
- Somebody ask to extract content of a game and doesn't have any idea of python neither terminal.
Neither what are RPA themselves - It was hard day, and you don't want to use neither python, neither terminal, neither download any .exe. Pick file and extract it in a moment
- WASM golang
- first implementation Chromium
- first implementation FileApi
- web-workers for FileApi implementation
- GitHub Actions pipeline
- minimal design
- vanilla js refactoring
- scan function + drag&drop logic
- convert to typescript
- clean typescript
- react
- drag&drop
- maybe replace WASM unpickle with ts one
- maybe replace JSZIP with something better
- service worker download hack for FileAPI browsers
- migrate from CRA to vite
- i18n localization
- preview of content probably with Chonky
The project will work from the box if you use docker. Just run.sh.
It requires execution permissions for onlyForDockerEnv.sh set on host.
sudo chmod +x onlyForDockerEnv.sh
Kill the container with Ctrl+Z