Read The Readme File.

Please Mention The Change Logs & Reason of Changes For Readability and Maintainability of The Source Code.
Lets Make Our AGC Event Great Togather🙂

Fixes in v4.9.3

  • Text correction in Submission-page-2024

Fixes in v4.9.2

  • News page fixed

Fixes in v4.9.1

  • Fixed extra margin around the countdown✅
  • Fixed dowload Button text wrap✅
  • Added brochure to the download button✅

Fixes/Updates in v4.9

  • Added New Banners ✅
  • Added Countdown of 6th March (Homepage)✅
  • Added Map (Homepage)✅
  • Added Brochure Download(Homepage) ✅
  • Spelling Mistakes Corrected✅

Fixes To v4.8

Fixed QR in 2023 & 2024 register Page ✅
Fixed table in 4.7 - from 111% to 100% ✅
Fixed hyperlink ASI homepage ✅
Fixed (new added img out of page in mobile) - 2024 Gallery Page ✅

ASI Gallery Page Designed by Mohsin & Saman ✅

Gallery Page is Designed To Revisit The Past Event AGC-2023.

Analytics News Page Designed by Saman & Mohsin ✅

Visitors on the news page can view latest Tech & AI news.