
A multi feature social chat application built using firebase & flutter

Primary LanguageDart

FlutterFire 🔥

  • This is getting started application for all trendy apps that require user profile creation and maintenance.

  • It helps up in setting up authentication service for your application using Firebase using the most popular methods.

  • The key features of the application are:

  1. User Authentication using email/Google/Phone/Facebook.
  2. Email Verification
  3. Create Update and Delete Profile.


Screens Screenshots
Authentication Screen Authentication Screen

Getting Started

Section 1: Setting Up for Flutter Development

Section 2: Running this Flutter Project

Step 1: Download or clone this repo by using the link below:


Step 2: Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:

flutter pub get 

Step 3: In the project root, execute the following command in console to run the app once you have emulator/device ready:

flutter run

The application must be up and running in the device.

Do fork and star ⭐ the repo if you find it appreciable. For any queries and suggestions, Conatct me at my mailing address.
