
Community driven Flutter Docset for Dash.app

MIT LicenseMIT

Flutter Docset for Dash

Please note that is docset is not very optimal because the dashing.json is not perfectly written. Futher help needed.

This project has been merged into the official Fluter repository

Good news! This repo has been merged into the official Fluuter repository. Please find usage of the official flutter docset at: flutter/flutter#9955 (comment)

For more details, please read: flutter/flutter#24374.

How to use

Open Preferences of the Dash menu, then navigate to the Downloads tab. After that, click the + button at the bottom of the window. Add this URL for 'Docset Feed URL':


Finally, click the 'Download' button of the newly added flutter docset.

How to build the docset by yourself (draft)

  1. Clone the flutter repository to your local machine or use the flutter installted on your machine.
  2. Run the script dev/bots/docs.sh to build the flutter docs locally. It should take more than 10 minutes.
  3. Install dashing with either of the following approaches (Reference: https://github.com/technosophos/dashing):
    • For Mac users: brew install dashing
    • For other users: go get -u github.com/technosophos/dashing
  4. Copy the dashing.json from this repository.
  5. Run dashing build -f dashing.json to build the docset. It should also take more than 10 minutes.
