Back 2 College (Capstone-Project-Udacity)

Features to implement

  • Allows users to sign in via Google
  • Allows teachers to share important announcement, documents, images, etc. to students grouped by department of study
  • Notifies users when a new information is shared.
  • Allow users to save the document/ image
  • Announcement can be pinned to home screen as a widget.

Task 1: Project Setup

  • List required dependecies
  • Configure libraries

Task 2: Implement UI for Each Activity and Fragment

  • Build UI for Login Activity
  • Build UI for MainActivity with tapped fragments and design each fragment.
  • Build UI for AddPost Activity
  • Build UI for widget

Task 3: Implementing Google Sign In

  • Implement google sign in and out feature using google services and firebase.
  • Handle authentication check in each activity.

Task 4: Implement Firestore and Firebase Cloud Storage

  • When the user add any post it should be stored in firestore and cloud storage(if required)
  • The data will be fetched using queries and will be displayed in the MainActivity using RecyclerView.
  • Notification will be sent to users about a new post using Firebase Cloud Functions and Firebase Cloud Messaging.
  • Users will be able share posts using the IntentService.

Task 5: Create build variants

  • Create required build variants
  • Create keystore for release apk