Usage: bin/ontoportal {dev|test|run|help} [--reset-cache] [--api-url API_URL] [--api-key API_KEY]
dev : Start the Ontoportal Web UI development server.
Example: bin/ontoportal dev --api-url http://localhost:9393 --api-key my_api_key
Use --reset-cache to remove volumes: bin/ontoportal dev --reset-cache
test : Run tests. Specify either a test file:line_number or empty for 'all'.
Example: $0 test test/integration/login_flows_test.rb:22
run : Run a command in the Ontoportal Web UI Docker container.
help : Show this help message.
This script provides convenient commands for managing an Ontoportal Web UI
application using Docker Compose. It includes options for starting the development server,
running tests, and executing commands within the Ontoportal Web UI Docker container.
- Simplify common tasks related to Ontoportal Web UI development using Docker.
- Provide a consistent and easy-to-use interface for common actions.