Train and Deploy Machine Learning Model With Web Interface - Docker, PyTorch & Flask
Live access (deployed on GCP):
Blog post:
This repo contains code associated with the above blog post.
Running on Local/cloud machine
Clone the repo and build the docker image
sudo docker build -t flaskml .
# Pull pre-built image:
#docker pull imadelh/jetson_pytorch_flask:ainize
#docker image tag imadelh/jetson_pytorch_flask:ainize flaskml
NB: if you have MemoryError while installing PyTorch in the container, please consider adding 2G swap to your virtual machine (
Run the container
sudo docker run -i -t --rm -p 8888:8888 -v $(pwd):/app flaskml
This will run the application on localhost:8888
You can use Cloudflare-Tunnel or Ngrok to port the application to the web.
Running on Jetson-Nano
On Jetson-nano, to avoid long running time to build the image, you can pull it from Docker Hub. We will also use a costumized Docker command to be able to access the GPU inside the container
docker pull imadelh/jetson_pytorch_flask:arm_v1
Run the bash in the container (default entrypoint)
sudo ./ run -i -t --rm -v /home/imad:/home/root/ imadelh/jetson_pytorch_flask:arm_v1
Run the Flask application
cd app
- Training and saving the CNN model :
- Visualize the inference :
This a generic web app for ML models. You can update your the network and the weights by changing the following files.
Imad E.