
Coloc 2 log does not identify (by number, name or location) which ROI has been analyzed

Msgds opened this issue · 0 comments

Msgds commented

Hi! I’m working with Coloc 2 to colocalize ROIs, I have no problem with that. My difficulty is that the log, paste below, does not identify the ROI analyzed.

Coloc_Job_Name, Colocalization_of_C1-Edu-Bleo 1 34b.m.tif_versus_C2-Edu-Bleo 1 34b.tif_811804725
% zero-zero pixels, 2.28
% saturated ch1 pixels, 194.57
% saturated ch2 pixels, 20.41
Channel 1 Max, 255.000
Channel 2 Max, 255.000
Channel 1 Min, 0.000
Channel 2 Min, 0.000
Channel 1 Mean, 248.078
Channel 2 Mean, 26.026
Channel 1 Integrated (Sum) Intensity, 228480.000
Channel 2 Integrated (Sum) Intensity, 23970.000
Mask Type Used, mask image
Mask ID Used, 811804725
m (slope), -41.58
b (y-intercept), 10341.02
b to y-mean ratio, 397.33
Ch1 Max Threshold, 243.00
Ch2 Max Threshold, 255.00
Threshold regression, Costes
Pearson’s R value (no threshold), -0.03
Pearson’s R value (below threshold), -0.39
Pearson’s R value (above threshold), NaN
Manders’ M1 (Above zero intensity of Ch2), 0.100
Manders’ M2 (Above zero intensity of Ch1), 0.957
Manders’ tM1 (Above autothreshold of Ch2), 0.100
Manders’ tM2 (Above autothreshold of Ch1), 0.957

I would like the log to inform the number of the ROI analized or the name, or at least the location (x,y), otherwise I have no way to identify to which ROI the information given belongs. Or am I missing something? If so, please, explain to me where the identification is.

As far as I understand the only id given in the log is the mask ID. Nevertheless, in an aleatory number!!