- 0
[bug] auto generate desktop entry when start program
#316 opened by Kiri2002 - 3
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid service: net.imagej.legacy.LegacyService
#301 opened by workhours - 0
Abandon JAVA?
#315 opened by jobs-git - 4
Scale to DPI seems to be broken
#314 opened by CanYing0913 - 1
- 0
Thank you!
#313 opened by zWhdmB5T - 0
ROI selection
#312 opened by Dennet02 - 0
- 0
- 5
Mac Native M1 (arm64) support?
#283 opened by dstranathan - 2
Please bump `commons-text` to 1.10.0 or newer
#309 opened by Jarek-Sacha - 5
Oversaturated colors on P3 monitors
#308 opened by hyungsongnam - 2
- 6
- 0
- 1
- 4
java.awt.HeadlessException when running command
#302 opened by julien2424 - 1
3D viewer error when opening
#280 opened by amirDahari1 - 2
- 2
Problem with Watershed
#299 opened by Pantelispanka - 0
how to solve such captcha?
#297 opened by RussiaVk - 2
Channels window repositions automatically after opening an image with an additional channel
#291 opened by hyungsongnam - 1
- 0
Add generation of application zip to CI build
#294 opened by ctrueden - 1
- 0
FracLac for imagej
#290 opened by Biz7662 - 1
Save as Raw Data
#289 opened by supercheney - 2
Measuring dark brown
#288 opened by Biz7662 - 1
Bug in String.format()
#286 opened by quantixed - 0
- 1
Macro recording fails to save parameters
#281 opened by manerotoni - 1
Support for jpeg xl
#284 opened by benjaminbrumbaugh - 3
Will ImageJ get rid of using Java?
#282 opened by amh737 - 3
Change imageJ Default Memory Setting
#278 opened by wpkurtz - 0
Selection tool and GUI update
#277 opened by victorsapucaia - 2
- 3
Overlay Elements' Save as... raises exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
#274 opened by rgaiacs - 1
"NameError: name 'command' is not defined" when running ImageJ jython script headless
#275 opened by markemus - 8
Maven build problem
#273 opened by BarchSteel - 2
- 6
Please support multiple frames in PGM file format
#268 opened by BarchSteel - 0
- 0
- 3
Feature request: add magnifying glass popup menu
#266 opened by oeway - 0
Trigger popup menu with long press
#267 opened by oeway - 0
- 0
Coloc 2 log does not identify (by number, name or location) which ROI has been analyzed
#264 opened by Msgds - 6
- 2
Disabling "Save column headers" on I/O options does not disable column headers
#261 opened by bruvellu - 1