
Android SDK for Imagekit.io

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


ImageKit.io Android SDK

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Android SDK for ImageKit.io implements client-side upload and URL generation for use inside an Android application.

ImageKit is a complete media storage, optimization, and transformation solution that comes with an image and video CDN. It can be integrated with your existing infrastructure - storage like AWS S3, web servers, your CDN, and custom domain names, allowing you to deliver optimized images in minutes with minimal code changes.

Table of contents



The library requires Android version 5.0.0 (API level 21 - Lollipop) or above.


In your root build.gradle file, add:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

In the module build.gradle file, add:

implementation 'com.github.imagekit-developer.imagekit-android:imagekit-android:<VERSION>'



urlEndpoint is the required parameter. You can get the value of the URL-endpoint from your ImageKit dashboard - https://imagekit.io/dashboard#url-endpoints.

transformationPosition is optional. The default value for this parameter is TransformationPosition.PATH. Acceptable values are TransformationPosition.PATH & TransformationPosition.QUERY.

defaultUploadPolicy is optional and only needed if you want to use the SDK for client-side file upload. This sets the default constraints for all the upload requests.

Note: Do not include your Private Key in any client-side code, including this SDK or its initialization.

// In kotlin
import com.imagekit.android.ImageKit

    context = applicationContext,
    publicKey = "your_public_api_key",
    urlEndpoint = "https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id",
    transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.PATH,
    defaultUploadPolicy = UploadPolicy.Builder()
// In Java
import com.imagekit.android.ImageKit;


Quick Examples

URL construction

Using image path

// Kotlin
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-image.jpg?tr=h-400.00,ar-3-2
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)
// Java
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-image.jpg?tr=h-400.00,ar-3-2
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)

Using full image URL

// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/medium_cafe_B1iTdD0C.jpg?tr=oi-logo-white_SJwqB4Nfe.png,ox-10,oy-20
        src = "https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/medium_cafe_B1iTdD0C.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.PATH
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/medium_cafe_B1iTdD0C.jpg?tr=oi-logo-white_SJwqB4Nfe.png,ox-10,oy-20

Using a custom parameter

// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/plant.jpeg?tr=w-400,ot-Hand with a green plant,otc-264120,ots-30,ox-10,oy-10
    .url(src = "https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/plant.jpeg?tr=oi-logo-white_SJwqB4Nfe.png,ox-10,oy-20")
    .addCustomTransformation("w", "400")
// Java
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/plant.jpeg?tr=w-400,ot-Hand with a green plant,otc-264120,ots-30,ox-10,oy-10
    .addCustomTransformation("w", "400")

Upload file from bitmap

// Kotlin
    file = bitmap!!,
    fileName = filename,
    useUniqueFilename = false,
    tags = arrayOf("nice", "copy", "books"),
    folder = "/dummy/folder/",
    imageKitCallback = this
// Java
    false, // useUniqueFilename
    new String[]{"nice", "copy", "books"}, // tags, 

Upload file from a remote URL

// Kotlin
    file = "https://ik.imagekit.io/demo/img/default-image.jpg",
    fileName = filename,
    useUniqueFilename = false,
    tags = arrayOf("nice", "copy", "books"),
    folder = "/dummy/folder/",
    imageKitCallback = this
// Java
    false, // useUniqueFilename
    new String[]{"nice", "copy", "books"}, // tags, 

Upload file using binary

// Kotlin
    file = file!!,
    fileName = file!!.name,
    useUniqueFilename = true,
    tags = arrayOf("nice", "copy", "books"),
    folder = "/dummy/folder/",
    imageKitCallback = this
// Java
    false, // useUniqueFilename
    new String[]{"nice", "copy", "books"}, // tags, 

Demo application

You can run the demo application in sample folder.


The library includes 3 Primary Classes:

  • ImageKit for defining options like urlEndpoint for the application to use.
  • ImageKitURLConstructor for constructing image urls.
  • ImageKitUploaderfor client-side file uploading.
  • UploadPolicy for setting a set of policy constraints that need to be validated for an upload request to be executed.
  • ImagePreprocess to set the parameters for preprocessing the image to be uploaded.
  • VideoPreprocess to set the parameters for preprocessing the video to be uploaded.


In order to use the SDK, you need to provide it with a few configuration parameters.

// In kotlin
import com.imagekit.android.ImageKit

    context = applicationContext,
    publicKey = "your_public_api_key",
    urlEndpoint = "https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id",
    transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.PATH,
    defaultUploadPolicy = UploadPolicy.Builder()
// In Java
import com.imagekit.android.ImageKit;

  • urlEndpoint is required to use the SDK. You can get URL-endpoint from your ImageKit dashboard - https://imagekit.io/dashboard#url-endpoints.
  • transformationPosition is optional. The default value for this parameter is TransformationPosition.PATH. Acceptable values are TransformationPosition.PATH & TransformationPosition.QUERY.
  • defaultUploadPolicy is optional and only needed if you want to use the SDK for client-side file uploading. This sets the default constraints for all the upload requests.

Note: Do not include your Private Key in any client-side code.

Constructing Image URLs

The ImageKitURLConstructor is used to create a url that can be used for rendering and manipulating images in real time. ImageKitURLConstructor consists of functions that can be chained together to perform transformations.

ImageKitURLConstructor can be initialized by calling ImageKit.getInstance().url(...) with a set of parameters defined below.

Parameter Type Description
urlEndpoint String Optional. The base URL to be appended before the path of the image. If not specified, the URL endpoint specified in the parent IKContext component is used. For example, https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/endpoint/
path String Conditional. This is the path at which the image exists. For example, /path/to/image.jpg. Either the path or src parameter needs to be specified for URL generation.
src String Conditional. This is the complete URL of an image already mapped to ImageKit. For example, https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/endpoint/path/to/image.jpg. Either the path or src parameter needs to be specified for URL generation.
transformationPosition TransformationPosition Optional. The default value is .PATH that places the transformation string as a URL path parameter. It can also be specified as .QUERY, which adds the transformation string as the URL's query parameter i.e.tr. If you use src parameter to create the URL, then the transformation string is always added as a query parameter.

The transformations to be applied to the URL can be chained to ImageKit.getInstance().url(...). See the list of different tranformations. Different steps of a chained transformation can be added by calling the function chainTransformation.

Basic Examples

// Kotlin
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-image.jpg?tr=h-400.00,ar-3-2
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)
// Java
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-image.jpg?tr=h-400.00,ar-3-2
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)

More Examples can be found in URLGenerationTests.kt

List of supported transformations

The complete list of transformations supported and their usage in ImageKit can be found here. The SDK provides a function for each transformation parameter, making the code simpler and readable. If a transformation is supported in ImageKit, but if a name for it cannot be found in the table below, then use the addCustomTransformation function and pass the transformation code from ImageKit docs as the first parameter and value as the second parameter. For example - .addCustomTransformation("w", "400")

Supported Transformation Name Transformation Function Prototypes Translates to parameter
height height(height: Int) h
width width(width: Int) w
aspectRatio aspectRatio(width: Int, height: Int) ar
quality quality(quality: Int) q
crop crop(cropType: CropType) c
cropMode cropMode(cropMode: CropMode) cm
x, y focus(x: Int, y: Int) x, y
focus focus(focusType: FocusType) fo
format format(format: Format) f
radius radius(radius: Int) r
background background(backgroundColor: String) bg
border border(borderWidth: Int, borderColor: String) b
rotation rotation(rotation: Rotation) rt
blur blur(blur: Int) bl
named named(namedTransformation: String) n
progressive progressive(flag: Boolean) pr
lossless lossless(flag: Boolean) lo
trim trim(flag: Boolean)
trim(value: Int)
metadata metadata(flag: Boolean) md
colorProfile colorProfile(flag: Boolean) cp
defaultImage defaultImage(defaultImage: String) di
dpr dpr(dpr: Float) dpr
effectSharpen effectSharpen(value: Int = 0) e-sharpen
effectUSM effectUSM( radius: Float, sigma: Float, amount: Float, threshold: Float) e-usm
effectContrast effectContrast(flag: Boolean) e-contrast
effectGray effectGray(flag: Boolean) e-grayscale
original original(flag: Boolean) orig
Raw param string raw(params: String) -

Responsive image loading

ImageKit URL constructor can be set to input any Android View and determine the parameters for image height and width based on the dimensions of the view. If the view's dimensions are not set at the time, it uses the display's dimensions as the fallback. It also sets the DPR of the image automatically to match that of the device display. To automatically set the dimensions and pixel ratio of the image , call ImageKit.getInstance().url(...).setResponsive(...) with a set of parameters defined below:

Parameter Type Description
view View Specifies the reference of the view of which the dimensions are to be taken into consideration for image sizing.
minSize Int Optional. Explicitly sets the minimum size for image dimensions. Defaults to 0. Passing a negative value will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
maxSize Int Optional. Explicitly sets the maximum size for image dimensions. Defaults to Int.MAX_VALUE. Passing a negative value will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
step Int Optional. Explicitly sets the step in pixels for rounding the dimensions to the nearest next multiple of step. Defaults to 100. Passing a negative value will throw an IllegalArgumentException.
crop CropMode Optional. Explicitly sets the mode for image cropping. Defaults to CropMode.RESIZE.
focus FocusType Optional. Specifies the area of the image to be set as the focal point for crop transform. Defaults to FocusType.CENTER.

Code example:

// Kotlin
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-image.jpg?tr=h-400.00,w-400.00,
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
        view = displayView,
        crop = CropMode.EXTRACT,
        focus = FocusType.TOP_LEFT
// Java
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-image.jpg?tr=h-400.00,w-400.00,
    .setResponsive(displayView, CropMode.EXTRACT, FocusType.TOP_LEFT)

Constructing Video URLs

The ImageKitURLConstructor can also be used to create a url that can be used for streaming videos with real-time transformations. ImageKitURLConstructor consists of functions that can be chained together to perform transformations.

The initialization is same as that for image URLs by calling ImageKit.getInstance().url(...) with a set of parameters defined below.

Basic Examples

// Kotlin
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-video.mp4?tr=h-400.00,w-400.00
        path = "default-video.mp4",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY

Adaptive bitrate streaming

To obtain the video URL with adaptive streaming, call ImageKit.getInstance().url(...).setAdaptiveStreaming(...) with a set of parameters defined below.

Parameter Type Description
format StreamingFormat Specifies the format for streaming video. Supported values for type are StreamingFormat.HLS and StreamingFormat.DASH.
resolutions List<Int> Specifies the representations of the required video resolutions. E. g. 480, 720, 1080 etc.

Code example:

// Kotlin
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-video.mp4/ik-master.m3u8?tr=sr-240_360_480_720_1080_1440_2160
        path = "default-video.mp4",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
        format = StreamingFormat.HLS,
        resolutions = listOf(240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160)
// Java
// https://ik.imagekit.io/your_imagekit_id/default-video.mp4/ik-master.m3u8?tr=sr-240_360_480_720_1080_1440_2160
        Arrays.asList(240, 360, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, 2160)

File Upload

The SDK provides a simple interface using the ImageKit.getInstance().uploader().upload(...) method to upload files to the ImageKit Media Library. It accepts all the parameters supported by the ImageKit Upload API.

The ImageKit.getInstance().uploader().upload(...) accepts the following parameters

Parameter Type Description
file Binary / Bitmap / String Required.
fileName String Required. If not specified, the file system name is picked.
token String Required. the client-generated JSON Web Token (JWT), which the ImageKit.io server uses to authenticate and check that the upload request parameters have not been tampered with after the generation of the token. Refer this guide to create the token below on the page.
useUniqueFileName Boolean Optional. Accepts true of false. The default value is true. Specify whether to use a unique filename for this file or not.
tags Array of string Optional. Set the tags while uploading the file e.g. ["tag1","tag2"]
folder String Optional. The folder path (e.g. /images/folder/) in which the file has to be uploaded. If the folder doesn't exist before, a new folder is created.
isPrivateFile Boolean Optional. Accepts true of false. The default value is false. Specify whether to mark the file as private or not. This is only relevant for image type files
customCoordinates String Optional. Define an important area in the image. This is only relevant for image type files. To be passed as a string with the x and y coordinates of the top-left corner, and width and height of the area of interest in format x,y,width,height. For example - 10,10,100,100
responseFields Array of string Optional. Values of the fields that you want upload API to return in the response. For example, set the value of this field to ["tags", "customCoordinates", "isPrivateFile"] to get value of tags, customCoordinates, and isPrivateFile in the response.
extensions List<Map<String, Any>> Optional. array of extensions to be processed on the image. For reference about extensions read here.
webhookUrl String Optional. Final status of pending extensions will be sent to this URL. To learn more about how ImageKit uses webhooks, read here.
overwriteFile Boolean Optional. Default is true. If overwriteFile is set to false and useUniqueFileName is also false, and a file already exists at the exact location, upload API will return an error immediately.
overwriteAITags Boolean Optional. Default is true. If set to true and a file already exists at the exact location, its AITags will be removed. Set this to false to preserve AITags.
overwriteTags Boolean Optional. Default is true. If the request does not have tags, overwriteTags is set to true and if a file already exists at the exact location, exiting tags will be removed. In case the request body has tags, setting overwriteTags to false has no effect and request's tags are set on the asset.
overwriteCustomMetadata Boolean Optional. Default is true. If the request does not have customMetadata, overwriteCustomMetadata is set to true and if a file already exists at the exact location, exiting customMetadata will be removed. In case the request body has customMetadata, setting overwriteCustomMetadata to false has no effect and request's customMetadata is set on the asset.
customMetadata Map<String, Any> Optional. Key-value data to be associated with the uploaded file. Check overwriteCustomMetadata parameter to understand default behaviour. Before setting any custom metadata on an asset you have to create the field using custom metadata fields API.
policy UploadPolicy Optional. Set the custom policy to override the default policy for this upload request only. This doesn't modify the default upload policy.
preprocess ImagePreprocess/VideoPreprocess Optional. Set the set the parameters for preprocessing the image/video before uploads. This doesn't modify the default upload policy.
imageKitCallback ImageKitCallback Required.

Note: Sending a JWT that has been used in the past will result in a validation error. Even if your previous request resulted in an error, you should always send a new JWT as the token parameter. Warning: JWT must be generated on the server-side because it is generated using your account's private API key. This field is required for authentication when uploading a file from the client-side.

Sample Usage

    file = image,
    fileName = "sample-image.jpg",
    useUniqueFilename = true,
    tags = ["demo"],
    folder = "/",
    isPrivateFile =  false,
    customCoordinates = "",
    responseFields = "",
    extensions = listOf(mapOf("name" to "google-auto-tagging", "minConfidence" to 80, "maxTags" to 10)),
    webhookUrl = "https://abc.xyz",
    overwriteFile = false,
    overwriteAITags = true,
    overwriteTags = true,
    overwriteCustomMetadata = true,
    customMetadata = mapOf("SKU" to "VS882HJ2JD", "price" to 599.99, "brand" to "H&M"),
    policy = UploadPolicy.Builder()
    preprocessor = ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder()
        .limit(512, 512)
    imageKitCallback = object: ImageKitCallback {
        override fun onSuccess(uploadResponse: UploadResponse) {
            // Handle Success Response
        override fun onError(uploadError: UploadError) {
            // Handle Upload Error


The UploadPolicy class represents a set of conditions that need to be met for an upload request to be executed.

UploadPolicy.Builder class is responsible for building the UploadPolicy instances. This class provides following methods to access and modify the policy parameters:

Parameter Type Description
requireNetworkType(type: NetworkType ) UploadPolicy.Builder Specifies the network type required for the upload request. Possible values are UploadPolicy.NetworkPolicy.ANY and UploadPolicy.NetworkPolicy.UNMETERED. Defaults to NetworkPolicy.ANY.
requiresBatteryCharging(requiresCharging: Boolean) UploadPolicy.Builder Sets whether the device needs to be connected to a charger for the upload request. Defaults to false.
requiresDeviceIdle(requiresIdle: Boolean) UploadPolicy.Builder Sets whether the device needs to be idle for the upload request. Defaults to false.
setMaxRetries(count: Int) UploadPolicy.Builder Sets the maximum number of retries for the upload request. Negative value will throw an IllegalArgumentException. Defaults to 5.
setRetryBackoff(interval, BackoffPolicy policy) UploadPolicy.Builder Sets the backoff interval in milliseconds and policy (UploadPolicy.BackoffPolicy.LINEAR or UploadPolicy.BackoffPolicy.EXPONENTIAL) for retry attempts. Defaults to interval of 10000ms and policy of BackoffPolicy.LINEAR. This increases the gap between each upload retry in either linear or exponential manner. E. g. if the interval is set to 3 seconds, then delay for each retry (n) will increase as following:
  • With linear backoff: 3, 6, 9, 12 seconds.. (interval * n).
  • With exponential backoff: 3, 6, 12, 24 seconds.. (interval * 2n-1).

Example code

val policy = UploadPolicy.Builder()
    .setRetryBackoff(60000L, UploadPolicy.BackoffPolicy.EXPONENTIAL)

This code snippet will set the policy to allow the upload request to be placed only when the connected network in unmetered (e. g. over a Wi-Fi network) and the device battery is charging. Also the upload request will get the maximum of 5 retry attempts in case of failure, with the initial timeout of 60000ms which will increase exponentially for each subsequent retry.

Upload preprocessing

Image preprocessing

The ImageUploadPreprocessor class encapsulates a set of methods to apply certain transformations to an image before uploading. This will create a copy of the selected image, which will be transformed as per the given parameters before uploading.

ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder class is responsible for building the ImageUploadPreprocessor instances. This class provides following methods to access and modify the policy parameters:

Parameter Type Description
limit(width: Int, height: Int) ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specifies the maximum width and height of the image
crop(p1: Point, p2: Point) ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specifies the two points on the diagonal of the rectangle to be cropped.
format(format: Bitmap.CompressFormat) ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specify the target image format.
rotate(degrees: Float) ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specify the rotation angle of the target image.

Example code

val preprocessor = ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder()
    .limit(1280, 720)

Video preprocessing

The VideoUploadPreprocessor class encapsulates a set of methods to apply certain transformations to a video before uploading. This will create a copy of the selected video, which will be transformed as per the given parameters before uploading.

VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder class is responsible for building the VideoUploadPreprocessor instances. This class provides the following methods to access and modify the policy parameters:

Parameter Type Description
limit(width: Int, height: Int) VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specifies the maximum width and height of the video.
frameRate(frameRateValue: Int) VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specifies the target frame rate of the video.
keyFramesInterval(interval: Int) VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specify the target keyframes interval of video.
targetAudioBitrateKbps(bitrate: Int) VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specify the target audio bitrate of the video.
targetVideoBitrateKbps(bitrate: Int) VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder Specify the target video bitrate of the video.

Example code

val preprocessor = VideoUploadPreprocessor.Builder()

Third-party integrations


In the module build.gradle file, add:

implementation 'com.github.imagekit-developer.imagekit-android:imagekit-glide-extension:<VERSION>'

Then add the createWithGlide() extension function to the ImageKit URL constructor chain to get Glide's RequestBuilder instance to load into any target. The placeholderImage and errorImage parameters can be optionally set to pass the drawables to show for placeholder and error states respectively.

        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)
      placeholderImage = context.getDrawable(R.id.placeholder),
      errorImage = context.getDrawable(R.id.error)
        .url("default-image.jpg", TransformationPosition.QUERY)
        .aspectRatio(3, 2),


In the module build.gradle file, add:

implementation 'com.github.imagekit-developer.imagekit-android:imagekit-picasso-extension:<VERSION>'

Then add the createWithPicasso() extension function to the ImageKit URL constructor chain to get Picasso's RequestCreator instance to load into any target. The placeholderImage and errorImage parameters can be optionally set to pass the drawables to show for placeholder and error states respectively.

        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)
      placeholderImage = context.getDrawable(R.id.placeholder),
      errorImage = context.getDrawable(R.id.error)
        .url("default-image.jpg", TransformationPosition.QUERY)
        .aspectRatio(3, 2),


In the module build.gradle file, add:

implementation 'com.github.imagekit-developer.imagekit-android:imagekit-coil-extension:<VERSION>'

Then add the createWithCoil() extension function to the ImageKit URL constructor chain to get Coil's ImageRequest.Builder instance to load into any target, which can be enqueued with an ImageLoader instance. The placeholderImage and errorImage parameters can be optionally set to pass the drawables to show for placeholder and error states respectively.

            path = "default-image.jpg",
            transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
        .aspectRatio(3, 2)
          placeholderImage = context.getDrawable(R.id.placeholder),
          errorImage = context.getDrawable(R.id.error)
                .url("default-image.jpg", TransformationPosition.QUERY)
                .aspectRatio(3, 2),


In the module build.gradle file, add:

implementation 'com.github.imagekit-developer.imagekit-android:imagekit-fresco-extension:<VERSION>'

Then add the createWithFresco() extension function to the ImageKit URL constructor chain to get Fresco's ImageRequest instance to load into any target, which can be loaded into the controller of target DraweeView provided by Fresco by calling the buildWithTarget() method. The postprocessor parameter can be optionally set to pass a Postprocessor for post-precessing of images.

        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)
      postprocessor = WatermarkPostprocessor()
            .url("default-image.jpg", TransformationPosition.QUERY)
            .aspectRatio(3, 2),


For any feedback or to report any issues or general implementation support, please reach out to support@imagekit.io



Released under the MIT license.