
imagetyperz-api-perl - is a super easy to use bypass captcha API wrapper for imagetyperz.com captcha service

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT

imagetyperz-api-perl - Imagetyperz API wrapper

imagetyperzapi is a super easy to use bypass captcha API wrapper for imagetyperz.com captcha service


git clone https://github.com/imagetyperz-api/imagetyperz-api-perl

How to use?

use ImageTyperzAPI;

There are 2 ways of authenticating with the server. With access_token or username and passord. We encourage you to use the token based authentication because it's more secure and username & password authentication might be removed at some point from the API libraries.

All the methods that end with _token will be used for token authentication

Get balance


Image captcha

Submit image captcha

# without optional parameters
my $captcha_text = ImageTyperzAPI::solve_captcha_token($access_token, 'captcha.jpg', '1');
# with (all) optional parameters set
# token [or username & password if legacy], image, case sensitive, is phrase, is math, alphanumeric, minlength, maxlength, refid
my $captcha_text = ImageTyperzAPI::solve_captcha_token($access_token, 'captcha.jpg', 'true', 'true', 'true', '2', '1', '7');


Submit recaptcha details

For recaptcha submission there are two things that are required.

  • page_url
  • site_key
  • type - can be one of this 3 values: 1 - normal, 2 - invisible, 3 - v3 (it's optional, defaults to 1)
  • v3_min_score - minimum score to target for v3 recaptcha - optional
  • v3_action - action parameter to use for v3 recaptcha - optional
  • proxy - proxy to use when solving recaptcha, eg. or - optional
  • user_agent - useragent to use when solve recaptcha - optional
my $recaptcha_params = [
    token      => $access_token,
    #username => $username,       # for legacy auth
    #password   => $password,      # for legacy auth

    action     => 'UPLOADCAPTCHA',
    pageurl    => 'page_url_here',
    googlekey  => 'sitekey_here',

    # v3
    recaptchatype => '3',        # optional, 1 - normal recaptcha, 2 - invisible recaptcha, 3 - v3 recaptcha, default: 1
    captchaaction => 'homepage', # optional, used in solving v3 recaptcha
    score => '0.3',              # optional, min score to target when solving v3 recaptcha

    # proxy
    proxy => '',        # or '' with auth - optional
    proxytype => 'HTTP', # if proxy is used, un-comment this as well, only HTTP supported for now

    # other optional parameters
    useragent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', # optional
    'data-s' => 'recaptcha data-s value', # optional
    affiliateid => '12344'    # affiliate id - optional
my $captcha_id = ImageTyperzAPI::submit_recaptcha_token($recaptcha_params);

This method returns a captchaID. This ID will be used next, to retrieve the g-response, once workers have completed the captcha. This takes somewhere between 10-80 seconds.

Retrieve captcha response

Once you have the captchaID, you check for it's progress, and later on retrieve the gresponse.

The in_progress($access_token, $captcha_id) method will tell you if captcha is still being decoded by workers. Once it's no longer in progress, you can retrieve the gresponse with retrieve_recaptcha_token($access_token, $captcha_id)

while(ImageTyperzAPI::in_progress_token($access_token, $captcha_id))
    sleep(10);		# sleep for 10 seconds

my $gresponse = ImageTyperzAPI::retrieve_recaptcha_token($access_token, $captcha_id);


GeeTest is a captcha that requires 3 parameters to be solved:

  • domain
  • challenge
  • gt

The response of this captcha after completion are 3 codes:

  • challenge
  • validate
  • seccode

Submit GeeTest

my $geetest_params = [(
token     => $access_token,
#username  => $username, # legacy
#password  => $password, # legacy

action    => 'UPLOADCAPTCHA',
domain    => 'domain',
challenge => 'geetest challenge',
gt        => 'geetest gt'
# proxy => '',        # or '' with auth - optional
# proxytype => 'HTTP', # if proxy is used, un-comment this as well, only HTTP supported for now
# useragent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0', # optional
# affiliateid => '12344'    # affiliate id - optional
my $geetest_id = ImageTyperzAPI::submit_geetest_token($geetest_params);

Just like reCAPTCHA, you'll receive a captchaID. Using the ID, you'll be able to retrieve 3 codes after completion.

Optionally, you can send proxy and user_agent along.

Retrieve GeeTest codes

printf 'Geetest ID: %s', $geetest_id;

    token     => $access_token,
    username  => $username,     # legacy
    password  => $password,     # legacy
    captchaid => $geetest_id,
    action    => 'GETTEXT'
)]))	# while in progress
    sleep(10);		# sleep for 10 seconds
printf 'Geetest response: %s\n', ImageTyperzAPI::retrieve_geetest([(
    token     => $access_token,
    username  => $username, # legacy
    password  => $password, # legacy
    captchaid => $geetest_id,
    action    => 'GETTEXT'

Response will be a string object that looks like this: challenge;;;validate;;;seccode

Capy & hCaptcha

This are two different captcha types, but both are similar to reCAPTCHA. They require a pageurl and sitekey for solving. hCaptcha is the newest one.


For this two captcha types, the reCAPTCHA methods are used (explained above), except that there's one small difference.

The pageurl parameter should have at the end of it --capy added for Capy captcha and --hcaptcha for the hCaptcha. This instructs our system it's a capy or hCaptcha. It will be changed in the future, to have it's own endpoints.

For example, if you were to have the pageurl = https://mysite.com you would send it as https://mysite.com--capy if it's capy or https://mysite.com--hcaptcha for hCaptcha. Both require a sitekey too, which is sent as reCAPTCHA sitekey, and response is received as reCAPTCHA response, once again using the reCAPTCHA method.


my $p = [
    token      => $access_token,
    action     => 'UPLOADCAPTCHA',
    pageurl    => 'domain.com--capy',		# or `domain.com--hcaptcha`
    googlekey  => 'sitekey_here',

// submit
my $captcha_id = ImageTyperzAPI::submit_recaptcha_token($p);

// retrieve capy
while(ImageTyperzAPI::in_progress_token($access_token, $captcha_id))
    sleep(10);		# sleep for 10 seconds

my $solution = ImageTyperzAPI::retrieve_recaptcha_token($access_token, $captcha_id);

Other methods/variables

Legacy auth

The library has 2 sets of methods. Those that end with _token use token auth, and uses the 1st given parameter as token. Methods that end with _legacy take 2 parameters, username and password, instead of access key.

Getting balance with token


and here it's the same with legacy/username & password authentication

ImageTyperzAPI::account_balance_legacy($username, $password);

Affiliate id

For submitting recaptcha with affiliate ID, set it as the next parameter after sitekey.

ImageTyperzAPI::submit_recaptcha_token($token, $page_url, $sitekey, $aff_id);

Affiliate ID can be set for normal captcha solving as well

Case sensitive

Regular captcha takes a case-sensitive argument, after the image parameter, which tells the server if captcha is case sensitive or not. 1 means sensitive.

ImageTyperzAPI::solve_captcha_token($access_token, 'captcha.jpg', '1');

There's a 4th parameter which can be given here, which is the affiliate id, after caseSensitive.

Get details of proxy for recaptcha

In case you submitted the recaptcha with proxy, you can check the status of the proxy, if it was used or not, and if not, what the reason was with the following:

printf 'Was proxy used: %s\n', ImageTyperzAPI::was_proxy_used_token($access_token, $captcha_id);

The response is in JSON and looks like this:

    "Result": "gresponse from solving, or empty if not solved yet",
    "Proxy_client": "proxy submitted by client (if any)",
    "Proxy_worker": "proxy used by worker, in case client submitted, and no errors with proxy",
    "Proxy_reason": "in case of proxy not working, reason will be found here"

Set captcha bad

When a captcha was solved wrong by our workers, you can notify the server with it's ID, so we know something went wrong.

ImageTyperzAPI::set_captcha_bad_token($access_token, $captcha_id);


Check example.pl


API library is licensed under the MIT License

More information

More details about the server-side API can be found here

captcha, bypasscaptcha, decaptcher, decaptcha, 2captcha, deathbycaptcha, anticaptcha, bypassrecaptchav2, bypassnocaptcharecaptcha, bypassinvisiblerecaptcha, captchaservicesforrecaptchav2, recaptchav2captchasolver, googlerecaptchasolver, recaptchasolverpython, recaptchabypassscript