Sources For Plugin Machine 2

Templates for Plugin Machine v2

  • Plugin Machine v2 uses Github repos for templates.
  • Also, this repo has the configuration for each of those templates.
  • It is organized by Github org/repo
  • Inside that folder
    • There must be:
      • config.json
        • Must have these keys:
          • builder
          • id
          • label
          • includePaths
        • May have these keys:
          • originalNamespace
          • mainFile
    • There may be:
      • A file that is the initalization file or "main" file for the package.
    • logo.png
      • Logo for that package
    • repo.json
      • This is not used yet. Does not seam needed.

What Is In Each Source


The Github repo that has the actual templates.

    "owner": "imaginarymachines",
    "name": "core-style-plugin"


  • @todo document this.
  • See trustedlogin/client/config.json.


Optional. A php file to be used to initalize the feature.

  • See trustedlogin/client/main.php


Optional. A logo for the template.