The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

edited by Clayborne Carson

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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1. Early Years
2. Morehouse College
3. Crozer Seminary
4. Boston University
5. Coretta
6. Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
7. Montgomery Movement Begins
8. The Violence of Desperate Men
9. Desegregation at Last
10. The Expanding Struggle
11. Birth of a New Nation
12. Brush with Death
13. Pilgrimage to Nonviolence
14. The Sit-In Movement
15. Atlanta Arrest and Presidential Politics
16. The Albany Movement
17. The Birmingham Campaign
18. Letter from Birmingham Jail
19. Freedom Now!
20. March on Washington
21. Death of Illusions
22. St. Augustine
23. The Mississippi Challenge
24. The Nobel Peace Prize
25. Malcolm X
26. Selma
27. Watts
28. Chicago Campaign
29. Black Power
30. Beyond Vietnam
31. The Poor People's Campaign
32. Unfulfilled Dreams